06 🎵 Production Assistant

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I gave a timid smile to the people seated in the receiving area of Daisy Media Entertainment (otherwise known as DME) and walked toward the end of the long couch to occupy the available spot. There were three of us girls seated on the couch, and two guys were each seated in the single couch. They were all probably production assistants or PAs like me because the employee handbook that they were reading were the same as mine.

*Sigh* It was my first day of work. I was supposed to be well-rested. I was supposed to astound my new workmates with my 'sunny' personality. But instead, since this morning, my curses had rained all over humankind.

If I had a choice, I would love to be in a different continent and be as far away from Kiyo as possible. But that asshole just knew what buttons to push to challenge my competitive side. Something's happening between me and Kiyo, but I don't know what. I only know that I shouldn't back down with his taunting since I wasn't the one who wronged him. He was the one who left me, so why was he acting as though what he did was within reason?

Of course, I didn't plan on staying in his place for a long time. I would search for an apartment again once I have enough money.

"Hi," the girl seated beside me greeted. She was a petite woman with thin but curvy body. Her face looked like a doll because of her beautiful, round eyes and because of her bangs and slightly wavy hair that fell below her shoulders. "I'm Lana," she said.

"Hi, I'm Daria." I smiled and accepted her hand.

"I'm ZL," the girl wearing fashionable black clothes and a very dark eye make-up joined in. Her hair was in a tight ponytail, and she has cat-like eyes. Lana and I greeted her, and the two boys which turned out to be twins, named Jung Deuk and Jung Don, introduced themselves as well. We then started discussing the guidelines in the PA handbook that was given to us. According to the handbook, the company basically expected us to be a machine in order for us to be an effective PA. No, seriously. It was written that we should rein in our emotions while fulfilling our duties. We shouldn't let our frustrations be displayed on our faces, and we should exude a happy disposition. I almost thought I was reading a robot manual, to be honest.

PAs are the hands and feet of production, so we were expected to do all the miniscule to big tasks such as buying food and drinks, delivering documents among the staff members, helping in lifting some of the equipment, setting up the stage or the studio, helping in controlling the crowd during an onsite shoot, among others.

The hardest part of being a PA would be dealing with the various staffs and artists during the film production. The crews and artists possess different personalities, and we have to abide by the handbook rules whatever assholery would be thrown at us. It was slightly barbaric, I know. But, all of us dreamed to land a spot in pre or post-production, and being a PA was the first step to our dreams.

"Good morning," a short-haired woman wearing a sexy outfit revealing half of her soul greeted and smiled at us. By smile, I meant she bared her teeth and regarded us one by one for a few minutes with her sharp eyes, as though she was assessing our past, present, and future by just our appearance alone. I could almost feel her 'chi' beating us to submission. It was very easy to strike terror into my heart, and this woman managed to do that with just her smile and judging eyes.

"My name is Thet. I'm the manager of all PAs here in DME. I assume you already read the handbook."

We all murmured our acknowledgment.

"Good. But there is one rule that I'd like to add: Don't ask stupid questions."

My heart momentarily stopped, and I thought I felt a little pee in my underwear. Oh, my gosh!

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