03 🎵 Hot Chaos

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The mystery of my vanishing bra was finally solved when Kiyo stepped out of the bathroom after freshening up. A towel was draped on his head, and he was smirking teasingly while my bra was dangling on his finger.

"Look what I found," he declared smugly, looking utterly pleased with himself. I tried to snatch it from him, but he suddenly lifted it out of my reach. Ugh! The nerve of this guy!

"Kiyo!" I clicked my tongue and crossed my arms protectively over my chest. "You sniffed it, didn't you?"

"Are you fucking kidding me?" he exclaimed incredulously while throwing the towel on the chair. "Of course, I sniffed it." He frowned at me as if my question was the most ridiculous thing he had ever heard in his entire life.

"You creep!" I tried to snatch my bra again, but this detestable person hid it behind him while chuckling. My multiple lightning punches made an appearance as I hit his arm in rapid succession. He simply offered his arm and let me take my revenge, the corner of his lips quirking up in a smile as he watched me.

"Are you sure you wanna do that? Your boobs are jiggling," he noted in an amused tone.

I immediately hugged myself again while flaming him with my glare. He then sat at the edge of the bed with his legs spread apart and pushed his hands on the mattress while gripping my bra, his muscles rippling with his movement. His body is lean with just the right cuts which, I have to admit, is the type I like. His eyes were squinting in enjoyment as he directed his gaze at me. It was such a difficult task not to stare at his abs and his naked chest. Argh! Why does he always have to take off his shirt whenever we meet?

"Don't you dare sleep here," I warned him. "I swear I will sniff your balls."

His mouth formed an 'O' as he arched his eyebrows. "Is that supposed to be a threat?" He cocked his head to the side as he continued, "Why does it sound like you're inviting me to sleep here?" he drawled huskily and dragged his teeth slowly on his bottom lip. My gaze instantly flicked down to his lips, making him grin.

Oh. Oh! The stress! How could he be so annoyingly sexy? Seriously, it was just abnormal. He was activating my impure female emotions!

"Give me back my bra." I stretched my hand and opened my palm, hovering it near his face. "Don't you dare sleep here, Kiyo. I swear, I will pour gasoline on your body and set your balls on fire."

A smirk never left his face as he gazed up at me. And then, this manwhore suddenly leaned forward and withdrew his tongue, LICKING MY OPEN PALM!

Oh God! GOD! My blood pressure!

"Kiyo!" I snarled at him as I swiftly pulled back my hand and rubbed it against my pajama while his boisterous laughter resonated in the room. The veins in my temple pulsated, and I could feel my blood rushing through my head. It seemed like Kiyo's main goal for coming here was either to explode my brain with annoyance or to reduce me into a pile of horny mess. This beast!

"You don't need your bra, anyway. You're about to sleep, right? You hate wearing bra whenever you sleep. Remember when I sneaked into your room through your window..." his voice trailed off, his smile slowly fading away.

I literally froze when he brought up our past. The memory was already blurry in my mind, but from what I could recall, we were already in our early teens when Kiyo 'ran away' from home because he fought with his dad. He sneaked into my room through the window and built his mini-camp at the corner of my bedroom. He was just my best friend then. And while we were chatting the night away, I told him that girls never wear bra in their pajamas because it was uncomfortable.

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