02 🎵 First Day

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"Yes, ma'am. We have one vacant suite," the hotel receptionist informed me.

Thank God! It was already midnight and my limbs were about to disengage from my body from exhaustion. My plan to check the apartments in the rental website was a complete failure since all of them were way beyond my budget. Roaming around the city while carrying all my stuff sucked the soul out of me.

And as if this entire day of catastrophe was not enough, I found out that almost all hotels within the area were fully booked because of the upcoming concert of Hot Chaos. It turned out it was their finale concert to wrap up their world tour for this year. Even though it was scheduled two weeks from now, their horde of fans from different cities and countries already congregated here. This was probably why that scammer, Alexa, thought that I was a deranged fan of Hot Chaos and accepted my rental request – because the date that I chose to move in was near the concert date.

"Are you going to take the room, ma'am?" My inner whining was cut short by the receptionist's voice.

"Yes. How much for one night?"

When she told me the booking fee, I felt my wallet cowering in fear. My expression remained impassive but my brain was drafting a scenario wherein a missile just exploded on my face. That price was very...disrespectful. Did pharaohs stay in this hotel? With that fee, that suite better have a butler, a prince, and a happy ending. And that happy ending better have to do with fulfilling my wildest fantasies.

"Ma'am? You can just settle the bill upon checkout." The hotel receptionist looked at me quizzically. She might not have a prior experience of witnessing a person doing astral projection. I felt like my soul stepped back and was assessing the situation thoroughly.

Should I go back to Kiyo's place or should I stay in the hotel overnight and resume looking for apartment tomorrow? I pondered. Ex-boyfriend's place meant saving a lot of money. Besides, I'd only stay for one night, and Kiyo didn't seem to mind my presence in his condo. He was so casual and breezy and utterly unaffected by my sudden appearan—why am I thinking about this?! Ugh! Casual? Breezy? UNAFFECTED?!

I guess I really meant nothing to him. He was acting like we were still friends, and the stupid me was caught up in his pace once again.


"Yes, I'll take the room. One night," I replied weakly.

After signing the documents and getting the key card, I trudged toward the elevator and noticed the Hot Chaos fans huddled in groups at every corner of the hotel. I even saw some girls waving a banner of a printed picture of Kiyo showing his naked upper body while singing on stage.

The elevator was empty when I got in. But before it closed, a squad of Hot Chaos fans poured in.

"I can't wait to see Hot Chaos!" one of the fangirls chirped.

"Have you seen their interview this afternoon? Kiyo is so hot!"

True. Kiyo is indeed hot, I thought while nodding my head slightly. If these girls saw him in person, their ovaries wouldn't be intact. His stylishly short hair, his penetrating gaze, his lips, his body... He was so hot to the point that it was almost sinful. I only saw him for a brief moment and I must admit, there was a point when I heard the demonic voice of my vagina.

"It's been years since their debut song. It makes me proud that their popularity still continues to rise," another fangirl gushed.

Yes, they were so popular that even if I did my best to avoid any printed and digital media that contained their pictures or information about them, I still couldn't avoid hearing news and rumors about Hot Chaos because almost everybody was their fan, especially in our small hometown where Kiyo grew up. That was how I came to know about Kiyo's manwhoring ways.

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