07 🎵 Trust

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It was already lunchtime but I felt like the morning just zoomed past me. I couldn't get Kiyo's teasing off my head, that bastard! When I passed by the wall mirror at the cafeteria, I saw the face of an avatar. My eyebags were almost reaching the floor, my skin looked like scales, and my hair was pretending to be a hair but was actually a bird's nest.

After getting my food, I trudged toward an empty table and set my tray down. ZL sat across my seat, and Lana occupied the spot beside me. The twins, Jung Deuk and Jung Don, sat on opposite sides of ZL.

"You look awful," ZL said. She wasn't someone to mince her words.

"What happened to you?" Lana asked worriedly like the angel that she was. No wonder Lana was well-liked by all the staff members even if we were just new hires.

"I wasn't able to sleep early last night," I lamented. Because of Kiyo! I screamed in my head. Ugh! That guy is testing me, I swear!

"If you need any help, just let us know, okay?" Lana offered.

"Thanks," I mumbled in response. "By the way, how are your task assignments?"

A collective sigh escaped their lips, weariness becoming evident in everyone's faces. I guess I wasn't the only one having a bad day.

"Yesterday was manageable. But today is just a total nightmare," Jung Deuk started. "We were assigned in a filming of a mall's commercial and we thought it wouldn't be that bad. Well, we were wrong. The client's representative was so fickle-minded, and the CF director didn't have a choice but to abide by his requests."

"Which meant we also had no choice but to keep on changing the set and the props," Jung Don added. "The director kept yelling the names of various props at our faces as if those objects would be magically summoned by just raising his voice. We were running back and forth to the warehouse, carrying a stack of those heavy materials. I seriously had the urge to burn that warehouse to the ground."

"I bet it would've been better if the mall owner himself was the one who visited the filming site instead of his representative," Jung Deuk remarked. "Being the owner of a chain of malls all over the country, I'm sure Mr. Arden Lee wouldn't be fickle-minded like his representative."

"I'm sorry to hear that," I said sincerely. The creative director was still giving me a hard time today and I could totally relate with the twin's hardships.

"But look at the bright side!" I clapped my hands once, startling everyone. "At least you got to experience the commercial filming process. It would certainly help you once you achieve your goal of becoming a film director."

"Wow," ZL deadpanned while staring at me with her scrutinizing gaze. "My suspicion is correct. You're a very forgiving person who always looks at the bright side of things, aren't you? Was there ever a time that you got really mad at someone and you did something about your anger?"

"Of course. When my friend, well ex-boyfriend, left me, I got really mad." My brow furrowed as I pictured Kiyo's face. "So, I cut him off my life and never contacted him."

"Oh yeah? I feel like if you see him again, you'll just act civil instead of scratching his face."

I looked at ZL in astonishment, wondering what kind of power she possessed to correctly guess everything.

Although I sometimes got mad, it wasn't to the point that I would do anything about it. I'm not a confrontational person, and most often than not, I just let everything slide. Back in our hometown, there wasn't really any situation that would entail me to scoop someone's eyeballs out. Perhaps that was the reason why I would just rant and plot something sinister in my mind but never act on it.

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