15 🎵 Nude Picture

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"Are you still close with Arvin?" Kiyo asked while eyeing her, an unreadable expression cloaking his face.

Daria blinked at him in puzzlement before responding. "Of course. He's my cousin after all," she said. "He's like an older brother to me, that's why back then, I couldn't understand why you would always get mad when I was with him."

A faint, bitter smile crossed Kiyo's lips. The emotions surging inside him were hard to suppress, so he hung his head down to conceal what he was feeling.

Arvin is Daria's cousin, but she slept with him while they were still a couple. She cheated him with her cousin, and Arvin cheated on his wife – who is Kiyo's cousin. Then, Arvin divorced his cousin.

There were just so many things that happened eight years ago that drove him to leave their town. And now that Daria appeared in his life again, those memories that he tried so hard to suppress were resurfacing. It didn't help that she was always bringing it up.

How could she be unremorseful after what she did? Was it because she thought he didn't find out?

His gaze drifted toward the scenery ahead, the colorful city lights shining brightly against the darkness of the night. His heart felt incredibly heavy, a feeling of foreboding engulfing him. He was purposely avoiding talking about what happened eight years ago because the day that he and Daria would discuss it would be the day that his wounds would be reopened...and the day that he might hate her again.

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To my dismay, our schedule for the day was a TV guesting with a talk show format. If I had a choice, I wouldn't want to participate in this nonsense, to be honest. Answering boring questions is just a waste of my precious wisdom. But the TV stations were very particular with their condition that the artists should appear in some of their shows for them to broadcast our music videos and concert videos, so our agency required us to go.

When we were instructed to proceed to the studio, I was stunned to see that the invited TV host sitting in the single couch who would conduct our interview was Ray Clark. I instantly halted my steps and stretched my arm to stop my bandmates from walking forward.

"Wait. This situation needs to be explained," I remarked while eyeing the solo artist who was constantly coined as Kiyo's rival. We had encountered Ray Clark multiple times in our schedule, but we only exchanged a couple of greetings. It was the first time that we would be talking to him.

Darting my eyes at Kiyo, I noticed the sudden shift in his mood. His expression turned grim, as if Ray Clark stole his last condom. Knowing Kiyo, he didn't care for the articles pitting him against Ray, so it was odd that our vocalist seemed to suddenly have a grudge against him.

"Ray is obviously the TV host," Sivri said. "What are you worried about?"

"I just think this is awkward as fuck," I explained to the idiot. "It's the first time that we'll be in one show."

It's so painful to admit that Ray is dripping with charisma. He has the proper balance of a bad boy image and the sweet boy-next-door. But of course, our resident manwhore is not easy to defeat. The only difference was, Ray Clark had a very clean record and had no scandals, unlike our pussy-magnet vocalist.

"Just don't say anything stupid," Holy Mother Yuto reminded me. "It's the moronic shit that comes out of your mouth which drives our fans to go to Ray Clark's camp instead, honestly."

"Our fans love me, what are you talking about? My brain is a boundless storage of details," I retorted. "After talking to me, you will evolve into a smarter version of you."

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