09 🎵 Hot Kiss

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It was the day before the Hot Chaos' finale concert and somehow, I was more nervous than Kiyo. Fortunately, it was Saturday, so I didn't have to go to work. Otherwise, the director would purge my ass because my mind would definitely be flying elsewhere.

The DVD was playing on the TV as I sat on the couch, waiting for him to finish showering. Instead of watching the movie on the screen, my attention was directed at the bedroom's door. When Kiyo stepped out rubbing a towel on his wet hair and wearing torn jeans and a Hot Chaos shirt, drool almost slipped from my lips.

Wow. Hot Chaos indeed.

Without thinking, I stood up and followed him around. I grabbed the towel from his hand as he ruffled his wet hair unceremoniously while checking his phone. He went to the kitchen, and I was still trailing behind him. I grabbed a mug and poured coffee in it, then I handed it to him. He was still checking his phone as he received the mug and brought it to his lips. After sipping the bitter liquid, he suddenly frowned and shifted his eyes at me.

"What? Is it too bitter?" I asked. "Do you want sugar and cream? Sorry, I thought you still want your coffee without sugar and cream."

"It's perfect, baby," he said in a hushed tone.

My eyes darted toward his lips as he licked it while grinning. *Gulp!* It was nearly impossible not to have dirty thoughts whenever I was near him. Resisting his flirty advances was becoming a daunting task, and the screams of my demonic vagina was becoming louder as well. Seriously, I could picture it screaming 'Aaaahhh!' while shaking left and right.

"Do you need anything? Oh! You should eat first before you go to your rehearsal!" I squeaked and spun on my heels to prepare him a meal when he suddenly wrapped his arm on my waist from behind.

"Baby, calm the fuck down," he murmured near my ear. I turned around to face him and gripped the towel between us, as if it would shield me from his sexy charm.

"What's up with you?" he asked. "Why are you so jumpy?" He then stepped back and leaned against the edge of the kitchen counter while sipping his coffee.

"Tomorrow is the concert."


"I feel nervous for you. It's not like the varsity basketball tournaments, Kiyo. Thousands of people are going to watch you. Thousands!" I exclaimed while making big hand gestures, my eyes bulging out.

A soft laughter escaped his lips as he placed his mug down. To my surprise, he tugged the towel I was holding, making me collide on his chest. I was about to step back, but he enveloped me in a tight hug, preventing me from moving away.

"I'll be fine, Dee," he assured me and placed a soft kiss on my forehead.

I lifted my face and looked at him, my eyes mirroring my worry. After I watched the first concert of Hot Chaos in Bam's hotel suite, I searched for their other concert videos online. I even signed up in Todd's fansite to follow the band's activity because I wasn't prepared to see the pictures of Kiyo with his groupies in the Hot Chaos' fansite and Kiyo's fansite.

In the videos that I watched, I realized that one needed nerves of steel and great amount of effort to be able to perform in such a huge crowd. Thousands of people. If they wanted me to appear in front of such a huge audience, they better be prepared to drag an unconscious woman on the floor. I couldn't imagine how Kiyo and his band could do it.

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