Chapter 2

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Entering his office is like stepping onto cursed lands of the soft, plush, white carpets that felt like stepping on freshly picked cotton. The walls were white with not a single crack or paint striping from it. On the walls there are three pictures of Portland from three different times of day. The first is of the sun is raising over the city with golden halos surrounding it, the second is the sun setting leaving a pinkish-orangish tint in the sky and the city's buildings reflexes it so beautifully, and the last at night when the city is alive a flooded with lights. Beautiful. Just beautiful. It's almost too prefect.

Each picture was perfectly alined diagonally. Before me are a six white leather sofas,  two to in front of the pictured wall, two in front of a large oak desk with a white leather behind the desk,  the last two were up against the other wall which had a flat screen tv on it. And behind that the white chair was a large glass window over looking most of Portland. The evening sun shined bright over the tall buildings, the sunlight seeped in through the window and tickled my skin and it felt great. I closed my eyes and let it all embrace me.

His cologne. Invictus by Paco Rabanne teased my nose reminding he was there. I can feel his intense stares radiating all over my body trying to bore a hole through me. I sucked in a breath and turned on my kneel to face him. Instead I ended up facing his hard, muscular chest. I looked up slightly and saw his shoulder. Broad. Sexy. Jesus! Damn look at those sexy broad shoulders. Ah! I just want to run my fingers along them, just that thought is making my fingers twitch. I stepped back quickly. He kept his focus on me and it never waverd it was like he was searching, studying me, which making me more nervous than I already am.

"Have a seat Ms. Lake." He said, breaking the silence but it felt more like a command. I took the nearest seat without hesitation, my eyes followed his very movement as he made his way to his desk, he wrapped his jacket tighter round himself then sat down. He opens a folder on his desk and started scanning through it, he twisted his gorgeously prefect, pink lips.

What am I saying! I can have these thoughts especially when he might be potentially my new boss! Or can I? I mean didn't Cassie say that we're compatible or something like that. Could that be the reason my heart is going crazy over him or is it just lust hitting me a bit too hard?." Ahem," He cleared his throat.


"I said: why do you want this job?" He repeated. Then rest his chin on his palm and stared me intensely. Oh why I want this job? Oh! Psssh. That is a good question. Well that could only be because, you know the usual, crackpot older sister that's thinks I can somehow tolerate your fetish for perfection, and the fact that she's thinks I can stand up to you blah blah. And before I forget to mention she thinks we could be soulmates. But I won't mention that because there's a 99.9% chance that you'll think I'm crazy.

"I-I ummm...." I started, mentally punching myself inside in the gut to form words." Well I think I" I shifted in my seat and he looked at me funny. He raised his brow and frowned but surprisingly amusement played in his eyes which made me feel a bit insecure.

"I think this job....I mean it can bring out my full potential in shipping better yet it would be great to learn from people here especially that will help me to better myself." I blubbered. I bet half the things I just said didn't even make sense. But he just nodded.

"So I'm guessing your inadequate to this line of work as in bring coffee to your boss and organizing his affairs." He asked casually, I bite my lip debating weather or not to lie to him." That's a no I presume. How well are you at public speaking?"

"I don't think this question is......."

"Just answer the question, are you good or not?" He curtly cut me off.

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