Chapter 8

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The cold chill of the night made me wonder, why is this happening to me. I feel like an lost, afraid,  and I felt like an unwanted piece of furniture. "Hello, is anyone there?" The woman with an Hispanic accent asked, for the hundredth time. I tried really hard to say her but I just couldn't conjure up the word to answer her. I tighten my grip around the payphone. I held my breath when I heard a male's voice in the background. I bit my lips to stop myself from making any sudden noises but I sob slipped out.

"Marisol, didn't I tell you to hang up the fucking phone!?!" The scratchy male's shouted in the background.

"But Senior. Levine I heard someone es sobbing on the other line so I throught--"

"Really? Someone sobbing at three in the-- give me the phone!"  Mr. Levine's voice shouted sounding clear now.

"What the hell do you want!?!" His voice was raspy and groggy but it still made some of my fear disappear. My lost all the strength of holding back my tears and began sobbing again. " Ok. who is hell this!?!" He growled, I could barely see with the tears building in my eyes.

"Help me!" I blurted, ignored his question. He went completely quiet.

"Shit." He finally broke the silence. There's was silence again then I heard keys in the background.

"Here, Senior." Marisol said.

"Merlayla? Merlayla, you ok? God please tell me your ok?" He questioned, gritted his teeth. I squeezed my eyes as tears streaming down my cheek. I sobbed hard.

"N-no! H-he touched m-me....I'm so scared....Levine please, please come get me. I need you!" I hiccuped. I jumped when I heard the sound of tires screeching to a halt. I heard a door slammed. I looked and saw Ricky." He's coming!" I screamed.

"Merlayla what's going on? What is he doing?!? I'm going to kill if him who ever he is, so help me God!" He spit out.


"Did you think you could get away that easy, you little bitch," Rickii grabbed the phone from my hand, and discarded it on the ground, he grabbed a fist full of my hair and yanked at it. I screamed. I fought to get free but it didn't work." You are mine, remember that!" He yelled, at me, dragging me to his Kia Soul. I could hear was the sound of a disconnected call, my heart sunk.

God please help me.

I forced my eyes open but it wouldn't work, there nothing but darkness. My skin is sore from all of Ricky's painful punches, I might even have an concussion from when he bang my head on his car's door. I coughed. My throat hurts really badly, like I have been in a desert for weeks without water. I coughed again. I finally manage to get my eyes open barely. I'm sure I have a black eye. I'm starring at a cream wall with paint being stripping off.  I tried to move my hands but they are tied behind my back and it hurt really badly. I winced as the rope cut through my flesh. That's going to leave a nasty bruise.


I jumped. And shifted closer to the wall behind me, like a wimp for protection. Panic struck me hard again. My heart is racing, my throat feels drier and I can't breathe. I'm hyperventilating. I fell to my floor gasping for air, footsteps boomed broke the silence. It stopped at the door. I sobbed silently, and I prayed it's not Ricky. The doorknob turned rapidly. It stops turning, I closed my eyes and rest my head on my knee. The door burst open, I squealed. I sucked in a breath preparing for the worst but instead.......Invictus filled the room. My heart fluttered, something soft was thrown over me and then strong arms lifting me up.

I looked up and our eyes meet. his eyes were light and beautiful, slightly red and filled with relief then quickly changed to anger. I'm so overwhelmed with happiness I forgot to breathe, I wrapped my arms around his neck for dear life." I'm going to kill that son of a...."

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