Chapter 3

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I sitting anxiously in my new cubicle, sitting behind my new mahogany desk, with two steaming hot espressos on it. Awaiting Mr Sexypant's arrival. I got to work early to show him I mean business or more relevantly to impress him. I might as well have some fun with our compatible shit. Right? I looked at my watch it's 7:28.

He'll be here in two minutes. My heart fluttered and butterflies flew around in my stomach. I put on a bit of lip gloss and tucked the strands out of place for my messy ponytail behind my ear. I used my broken screen IPhone 4s as a mirror. Just making sure I looked decent. Enough.

I look fine. I guess. My nostrils picked up a very familiar cologne. I sniffed a bit. It's Invictus. My heart thumped hard." You're early." His voice boomed in my head like a seismic wave. I looked up and saw of course, Mr Sexypants himself smirking down at me. Damn! I love and hate that smirk!

Damn he looks even sexier than yesterday. Like if that's even possible! He wore navy trousers, white dress shirt, black tie and he held his navy jacket over his right shoulder so daringly and held files in his other hand. He looks like he just stepped out of magazine, advertising suits for men, I wondered how he looks without that suit on yet again. Snap out of it, he's your boss!!

"Punctuality is of great importance, Mr. Levine." I said calmly but I'm screaming inside. I rubbed my arm praying the goosebumps would go away. I wore a white, long sleeved, off the shoulder blouse, a black pencil skirt and black cut out heels, and my orange jacket hang over my chair.

"Indeed." He's being blasé about checking me out, and he did it so brazenly." Well then since your here early, I want to you run through these files and made sure there's no errors then report back to me went you're done." He drops fifteen files on my desk then walked into his office without an other word. WTF!?! Jackass. He's your boss, silly he can do what ever he wants. I shook my head then started working.


With in an hour later, I blew a sigh of relief. Finally, I'm done! I massaged my sore fingers then picked up the files and head to his office. I knocked." Come in." He shouted. I went inside. His chair was turned to the glass window. He didn't turn to acknowledge me, he kept his focus on the conversation on his phone. I sat on the nearest sofa to his desk and waited for him." No! I want those files now. Bring them or you're fired!" He barked. Calm down hot shot. Jeez.

He finally turns and face me then place his cell on the desk. As much as I'm happy to see him he doesn't look please to see me. " What do you want?" He said irritatedly. With his lips curved in a slight sneer.

"I-I came to drop the files off, I hope it your pleased with it." I shuttered. I stood up and handed them to him. He grabbed the files roughly from me then began reading through each of them. I sat back down and played with here my fingers and occasionally biting them down to the bed.

I looked up and caught him staring at me, his grey eyes darkened. He stood up and walked over to me, he bent down then tugged my lip from between my teeth. He's so close to me, his cologne is so intoxicating. I feel like I can melt away. His arms are resting on both of the arms of the chair, as I leaned back into my seat his face seem to get closer almost like he was going to kiss me. Yay! I parted my lips slightly and waited.

"I'm not going to tell you again Ms. Lake. The next time I catch you biting those sweet lips of yours you'll regret it, understand?" He whispered sternly. I swallowed hard and nodded. He stood up the leaned against his desk with his arms folded." Tell me, Ms. Lake. Do you have any plans for lunch this evening, if not would you join me for lunch?" Is he asking me out!?! No effing way! Excitement filling my core, I have no idea how I managed to keep a straight face.

"Well no actually, I don't have anything planned." I said in my business professional voice lifting my chin high.

"Prefect." He smirked. I looked away and stared at me fingers. My cheeks felt red hot as he stared at me. He let out a low chuckle. My flusher deepened. Stop looking at me like that! I can feel his eyes roaming all over me, it send chills to run down my spine.

"Can we go?!?" I blurted out and stood up quickly. He pushed himself off his desk then strolled my way.

"Hold on." He whispered with lowered lashes. I squeezed my eyes shut as his index finger made a trail from my navel, between my breasts and brushed my lips." Look at me." He said, I opened my eyes and stared at his darkened grey ones. My eyes darted from his lips and eyes every five seconds. His left hand reached behind me then yanked my hair out it's messy ponytail. He removes my hair from the right side of my neck then he brushed his lips against my neck, I bit my lip to hide the moan fighting to come out." I like it when your hair is down Ms. you like this?" He whispers, ever so sweetly. Nibbling on my ear. My grip on my lip degenerated and a moan escaped my lips. HELL FUCKING YES!

"N-no, I don't like being teased M-M-Mr. Levine." I lied. But it was partly true because I hate being teased. He scoffed then moved away, there was a bit of disappointment in his eyes, but he quickly hid it with a smirk.

"That what your mouth says but your body says something else." He whispers seductively in my ear. I squeezed my eyes shut as he held onto to my waist then trace his fingertips against my spine. It's torture but the good, sexual kind. I felt weak against his hard chest. I could crumble at any giving second. He nuzzles my neck then he suddenly lets go and steps back. You fucking tease, I hate you." Let's not waste anymore unnecessary time, Ms.Lake."


Ten minutes later we pulled up at Bella's. It's a café not far from Levine Enterprises. He hopped out of his slick white Audi R8 then daringly strolled over to my side then opens the door for me. He places his hand on a small of my back and ushers me to the entrance. The decor is incredible, the shiny marble floors were exquisite, the wall made from the finest wood I've ever seen in my entire life, I was about to head into my dining area but he stops me by grabbing my waist. I jumped and looked at him, he points to a gilded staircase. I walked up the stairs with him hot on my heels , on the top of the stairs there's a large mahogany door with a golden doorknob. He steps in front of me then opens the door. I squinted my eyes as the sunlight burnt my eyes, I sheltered my eyes with my hand then gasped at the sight before me.

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