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Some months later

"Ohh shit Ryan, my water just broke....the baby is coming.. Ryan get the fuck here, where are hell are you ryn" Annie screamed out almost crying...she could feel it, she could sense the movement of her baby.....this is the moment she's been waiting for....it's finally here ... She'll be addressed as a mother after today and though she was feeling pain, uncomfortable and uneasy she still smiled at the thought of what the baby is going to look at and at the fact that she'll soon be addressed as a mother

Ryan's who's been busy with some files in the library scurried out happily after hearing what Annie said ....only if you could tell what was going on in his head.... straight to where he kept his keys and without wasting of time he led Annie out of the house to the hospital. She was taken to the theater immediately, and you know what she insisted that Ryan follow her in there.... yeah it's what you're thinking...she wants him to see what pain she'll be going through to deliver their first child and she also wants him to be there for her during that period......

At the first push Annie was literally crying her ass out and Ryan was confused, he didn't know what to do ....
"I'm so sorry you're going through this Annie, just know that I love you and it will soon be over" were the only thing he could say and of course his hands were moving from Annie's face to her hand and to leg... He just didn't know what to do
He saw it,he witnessed the pain and agony his wife is going through to bring forth their lively child but he just didn't know exactly to do...he wished he could take the pain away...he wished to be the one going through all the pain...but that's actually how it has been since man began to reproduce and that's how it will always be ...but who knows men can start giving birth tomorrow... don't quote me on that

There was a second push and at the third push a tiny little baby girl came out and everyone including the nurses was happy...but is that all...the nurses were expecting the placenta yo come out but it didn't...what the hell is happening
"Ohh shit ...I think I still have a baby in me. ....I can feel it ..." Annie muttered with mixed feelings of both happiness and surprise .....they didn't see this coming...

Well that was actually true cause immediately Annie said that, she felt the sudden urge to push and she did and with that another baby came out... with some kind of sack on his body.......well he was confirmed to be a boy ....and that was it.... Annie gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl
And without long waiting the placenta came out and every other process was done and test were conducted .......the babies were declared healthy and so was Annie

But the kind of joy Ryan was feeling was totally unexpressable ...he couldn't express it.. looking at his two tiny babies and Annie gave him such Joy .....and of course he did say thank you to Annie..for whatever reasons he has.

Both grandparents were happy...... and they all lived happily ever after ....I'm sure y'all already know the proposed name for the babies

Thank you for reading along with me 😊❤️❤️😊😊 and you guys can follow for more of my stories too 😉

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