the shock

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Annie's POV

I woke up feeling so sad and dejected, my face is sullen and my head aches, I sluggishly went into the bathroom to brush and bath, I kept on thinking about what happened yesterday so I’m really getting married not to anybody else but to that rude and grumpy jerk, he's going to regret ever marrying me…. Dad had explained to me that they couldn’t loan them the money since we’re now a part of them and so instead proposed that I marry their son at age 24 and just so you know I’ll be twenty-four in a month’s time which also means I’ll be getting married in a month’s time…. All fucked up right? was about entering into the bathroom to bath and freshen up since mom said they’ll be visiting us today when my stomach rumbled…. And just then did I remember that I didn’t eat diner yesterday and I was so hungry… heading out of the room to go prepare something to eat, I met mom and dad already at the dining eating

“morning Mom, morning Dad” I greeted heading to the kitchen am so going to break my rule this morning, “morning” they replied in unison ….

“I thought you never liked breakfast” dad asked when he noticed I was trying to serve myself cornflakes and mom looked shocked 

“I didn't get to eat dinner yesterday all thanks to what happened and I’m so famished, I’ll just have cornflakes I replied

“well when you're done, go change into this she said handing me a dress… “like I said Mrs wright and her son are coming over for the marriage preparations and I won't want you to appear in that” she added pointing to my cloth… I still can’t believe I’m getting married, even grace is finding it hard to believe this.

I checked the dress she gave me but it's nothing I can wear it's strapless and too short “Annie it's just for today and plus you aren't going anywhere with it” she added knowing fully well that I was going to complain about the dress...

“I just hope it's not too showy” I muttered before heading to my room to Change because mom said they'll be here in an hour and I was running late… 

The dress was just as I expected, it brought out my curves and I didn’t like that I can’t believe mom wants me to wear this, if it were left to me I’ll just appear in one of my baggies

Ryan's POV

“Ryan we're going to be late come down straightaway” mom yelled “coming Mom, I just need to put on my shoe” I yelled back

“I'll give you five minutes for that and I'll be in the car so don't stay too long okay” mom added and I could hear the door open and close

I don't know why she's so much in a hurry, I left the house after putting on my shoe and I met mom in the car just as she said, she isn't the one getting married and yet she's so anxious and excited about it … I joined her in the car and the driver started driving afterward…. Mom was the first person to alight the moment we got to the withorps, just why is she in a hurry? She didn’t even wait a bit as she pressed on the doorbell the moment she got to the entrance… she won't stop amusing me...  the door opened and we were led into the sitting room…. we exchanged greetings and pleasantries and sat on the couch after which we were served an orange juice, just the taste made me want more…. But you know I couldn’t ask for more...

“it's homemade, Annie made it” Mrs withorp answered mom who was already talking about how sweet and tasty it was…. For some moments I was happy because I'll get to taste more of the juice once I’m married to her…

“so where's Annie” mom asked

“she'll be here soon” Mrs withorp answered... well I don’t care whether she shows up or not I just want to be done with this…

I heard footsteps coming from the stairs, I perceived it was Annie and I turned to look at her and ohm my gosh she's got everything I like and want in a lady

that shape is a killer, look at her bobs and thigh, just the sight only got me erected... just why was she hiding this goddess’ body because I can remember the last time I saw her she wasn’t this beautiful… mom must be right after all, this girl really is my type and I can't wait to get my hands on her boobs and make her scream out my name in bed. our gaze met and then she tripped falling off the stairs …...I don't know where the force came from but I ensured she didn't fall by catching her with my hands on her waist and my eyes staring into hers…  this girl really is beautiful

Annie's POV

I was busy admiring Mr. grumpy, forgetting the fact that I’m putting on heels when the worst happened I tripped but didn't fall… Ryan hurried to the stairs and caught me by the waist preventing me from falling, his eyes boring into mine and I saw something quite different, his eyes were full of passion and desires unlike the one that was blank yesterday… This guy really is a beauty, golden eyeballs, nice haircut and his plum and kissable lips …. I was actually lost in his arms, and my stomach danced in pleasure …. This grumpy guy is doing things to my body …..

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