The slap

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Annie's POV

Grace couldn’t hide her excitement when she saw the clothes, she was just jumping from one section to another, admiring the clothes and commenting on them, we'll take this, this, this.............for now, let’s go check it on you first Annie "Grace said and we both went into the dressing room

"no, no, no I can't wear this Grace, you know I don't wear short, moreover I'll be moving in with that grumpy guy in a months’ time and I won't want him harassing me"

"what the hell are you talking about? how can you say such a thing huh? you want him to go cheat after you're married? And did you say harass? You must be kidding me Ann" grace said almost yelling, if not that we were in the dressing room, she was right after all, I can keep wearing baggies and dressing anyhow after the wedding, I don’t want him cheating on me ... and yeah, the lady that called him yesterday, she must mean something to him… “there's this girl that kept calling him when I was with him last night and when he finally picked up he said he was going to meet up with her soon, I think she might be his girlfriend, so what's the point when he has a girlfriend?" I told Grace “he's so going to do what he likes” I added

"like seriously! you might be right she might be his girlfriend but we can’t be too sure for now and since we aren’t sure, let's go show him this, don't forget he has to see and approve of the dress you'll be picking” … and with that we both exited the dressing room…

we got to where Ryan was sited with his mom, smiling and discussing about who knows what

"wow, wow, wow, look at this beauty, I really made a good choice back then “Ryan’s mom said when she noticed we were out and Ryan also looked up to where I was, he looked so shocked, staring at me as if he's going to devour me anytime soon, it’s not his fault though, it’s the dress I’m putting on even I know that what I’m wearing is so tempting, the gown stopped right on my thigh, right above my knee, it's an off shoulder gown that exposed even my cleavage

"Ryan! Ryan! “his mom called waking him from his shocked state, “what do you think about this?" she asked

"I..t..I..s..ok... ay...she”, he managed to say stammering, with his eyes still glued to my body. I left his presence and handed over the cloth to the attendant to pack so that I can check the others grace picked out for me, I kept on going on and on, back and forth, wearing and removing until the clothes I had picked had become loads

"that's enough for today, we'll come back for more and I'm sure you're tired already, I already arranged dinner with you in our house “Ryan’s mom said just like she knew I was tired of trying out the clothes, but then I still need to study for my exam…

"but ma, I have to study for my exam" I countered

"don’t worry Annie it won’t take long” she replied

"alright ma, but can grace join us?" I asked and Grace hit me stylishly

"hell no Annie, I have to leave now, mom just called me, bye!" she said and scurried away… why does she have to be like this, I can't stand being with Ryan not to talk of eating with him

"are the clothes packed in the car “Ryan who had been quiet all the time asked the attendant

"yes sir "she replied

"here take this”, he said stretching his credit card to her

it was returned to him afterwards and we came out of boutique, but wait, why does he have to pay, isn't this is boutique? Well maybe he's showing off…his mom left with the car that brought me saying she has to go do something, leaving me to follow Ryan. this is exactly what I didn’t want to happen, I sat beside him at the back seat pricking my fingers and I really don't know why am anxious, I hope he doesn't notice, then suddenly, something strange happened and I fell on his laps, my head placed on his lap

why did this have to happen for goodness's sake? How do I get up now?

"will you focus on where you are going, I don't want this repeating itself “he yelled at the driver who was already panicking, now how do I get up, something in me wants me to remain like this but no, I can't … just when I was thinking of how I would get up, he spoke up

"do you mind getting up? “he asked in a really cool manner

"I’m so sorry “I replied and was about getting up when the same incident repeated itself but this time around I did not fall on his laps, I held unto him, with my hands wrapped around his neck, his gaze was so deep, that I couldn't even read it, his golden eyes were boring into mine and his head drawn towards mine, I wanted to unhook myself from him but he restrained me, he placed my hands back on his neck, stared at me and then the next thing I felt was his soft lips on mine

what the hell is he doing? I have to stop him but I can't, his lips taste so good and I don't want him to stop. Just what is he doing to me? He kept on kissing me roughly without me reciprocating, I was too shocked and didn't know how to, I never thought being kissed will be so nice, and I never thought I'd receive my first kiss in this manner, this isn’t even my first, the first was yesterday, I always thought it would happen in the church on the day I get married but it seems have miscalculated,  He shoved my hair aside with his hand and continued kissing me but as much as I wanted this to continue, I have to stop it, this isn't right

I removed my hands which were wrapped around his neck and pushed him back, I could see disappointment plastered on his face but who cares, then I did the unexpected

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