the plan

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Annie's POV
As usual Ryan and I left the house, leaving Rachael all alone at home
Grace called me earlier this morning that everything is all set
I just hope it works out
"yes ,how may I help you? Rachel asked with a crumpled look
"well uhmm are you miss Rachael?"I asked
"obviously"she replied
"Ryan's told me to come pick you up to shop for the baby"
her face lightened up immediately she heard baby shopping
she really must be feeling herself
I hope I don't burst out laughing
"so Ryan is just pretending not to care about me and the baby"she muttered to herself
"wait,have we met before??she asked
I just hope she doesn't remember me as Annie's friend
"uhmm, no,I don't think so"I feigned ignorance
"let me go get my bag"
she went in and came out not long after with a new dress and of course a bag
i led her to the car and we took off
I already handed the spare key Annie gave me to the man who is to install the cam
and the plan was to take her to one Ryan's boutique and keep her waiting there untill everything had been completed after which we would tell her Ryan got caught up with something and then tell her to do all the shopping by herself

"we've arrived miss,let's get you inside, Ryan would be here soon"
"okay"she replied and followed me in
30minutes later
"where the fuck is Ryan? isn't he coming again?she roared
"if course he's coming,infact he'd told me he's in his way"I replied hoping she buys it
she stood up and then placed her hands in her waist
"let me call him"
she scrambled through her bag as if looking for something
*fuck,u left my phone at home,I need to go get it"she muttered picking up her bag
no, not now
she mustn't leave just yet we're gonna get caught
Holly Molly
what to do now??
"miss....... ehm Ryan would be here soon and he's gonna be disappointed if he doesn't meet you here"

"then he should wait like I waited for him,I need to get my fucking phone right now"she roared storming outta the boutique
ohh goodness what kind of bad luck is this
thank goodness the driver already left
ant now she's waiting to get a cab,I just hope she doesn't get one soon

I called Annie immediately to I form her of Rachael's move and at the same time I called the man who was installing the CCTV and yrbyold me he's almost done
don't think I forgot my phone at home,I didn't
I just had a feeling something was wrong
that lady,she was Annie's bridesmaid at the wedding and I'm sure she's her close friend
so now she's disguised as Ryan's attendant
isn't this fishy
Ryan doesn't even care about me not to talk of the baby that doesn't even exist
I need to get home as fast as possible
I know something is definitely wrong and I must find out

what will happen to their plan now🤔🤔🤔🤔

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