the baby

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Annie's POV
I was now in the church,right in front of the priest with Ryan beside me looking his best

we exchanged vows,then the priest asked the question I dreaded most

what if someone shows up and against our Union?
then it's done?

"is there anyone here who's against the union if these two,speak now or forever be silent"the priest asked turning to the church

"I am"a lady yelled entering into the church,it seems she just arrived

but who the fuck is she???
I looked at Ryan and he had shocked expression on, it seems he knows her

"Ryan can't get married, I'm carrying his child"the strange lady uttered and everyone including gasped


carrying his first child????

I trailed from looking at her to Ryan whose hand was now plastered on his face

Ryan has a lady?????

and she's carrying his child???

am doomed!!!!

what if what she's saying is true??
it seems Ryan knows her and not only does he know her, they've been making out which gas now resulted to her pregnancy

I don't think I can hold this!

everything started to become blurry and I felt everywhere spinning,then I fell

Ryan's POV
"Rachael,what the fuck are you doing here??
and what do you mean you're carrying my child????
are you nuts???
you just came here to ruin my marriage with your lies???

"am not here to ruin your marriage Ryan,I'm here because am carrying your child,our child"

"no Rachel this can't be
you can't possibly be pregnant
am getting married for fucks sake

"I can Ryan and in fact I am,so just instruct everyone to go back home or you get me a wedding gown and let's get married"she stated

mom already rushed Annie to the hospital along with her mom and both my dad and hers are here waiting foe to give them an answer for all this

the priest already left and everyone has started to disparse

what kind of mess is this????
what have I gotten myself into??
what's the meaning of all this???

this isn't what I wanted

I didn't plan all this!!

this is probably the result of the last time I was with her,I remember I didn't use protective cause I was in a hurry

what do I do now??

I dragged her out to a corner

"tell me this is all a joke Rachel
tell me it's not true, please...just tell me it isn't true!!!

"this isn't a lie Ryan,I'm pregnant"

my first child!!!
our baby???
"no Rachel,you have to terminate this thing you call a baby,I don't want it ,you've just ruined my wedding with it"

"am not terminating my child, gonna keep it and as you know,it needs a father so you better be responsible"she lashed out and walked out

"what is this have gotten myself into,am sure Annie's gonna be so mad at me
what the fuck am I gonna do???

speaking of Annie,I need to go see her at the hospital

minutes later

Annie's POV
I woke up to find myself in a strange room,this is so not my room

it smells so much like an hospital

"thank goodness you're awake"mom said and I wondered what she meant by that

"where am I"

"oh dear, you're at the hospital,you fainted in the church"Ryan's mom spoke up


wait it's my wedding!!
I was about standing up when the memories of what happened came flooding

what about the wedding??

"it's been postponed"Ryan's mom said

so Ryan does have an unborn child??

the door opened and Grace rushed in

"oh goodness, thank God you're awake"Grace said running towards me

"of course I am ,you don't need to be worried"I replied

"so where is Ryan??"Grace asked

"he should be here soon"mom answered
"is he gonna marry that lady?"I asked but later regretted asking

I should even be Happy the wedding couldn't commence

but here I am all sollen and sad
it seems am falling for Ryan

"of course not Annie,you guys would Still go on with the marriage,but it's definitely not today"Ryan's mom answered

"but it's gonna be indoor,just families"she added

the door opened revealing Ryan who looked exactly opposite how he was earlier

"are you supposed to be coming now?"his mom yelled

"am so sorry mom,it's just that.....
"that you impregnated a girl?"his mom cuts in
"but mom I......

"no buts Ryan ,you got a girl pregnant and you're here looking for excuse"I lashed out

where the hell did that energy come from
but why am I concerned??
why am I feeling for him?
I know have started to fall for Ryan but it's never gonna work out

Ryan's a flirt and he doesn't deserve to be loved

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