30. Away

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Hyunjin's POV

Seungmin ran away shoving his diary in my hand. What am I going to do with this? I went home and crashed in my bed. 'Seungmin is so brave to do that' I thought about his singing on stage. I let out a big sigh. My phone rang, I had a message from Felix.

Lix :
Tomorrow we are hanging out with Seungmin
Wanna join?
Think before saying no
We all will be meeting him before he's off to Germany.

Me :
I'll see

Lix :
I can't believe you hyunjin
Why are you so stubborn and mean
You know he wants to see you before the surgery
Can't you keep your ego aside and give in atleast now?

Me :
I said I'll see
Don't call me stubborn because of that guy
And why do he need to see me when I don't even talk to him

Lix :
I can't with you
If you want to come be at the park at 3

I left him on read. I am being a bad person again. I sighed and got up from the bed. I sat at my study table and crossed my hands on it. I leant down and involuntarily my eyes got teary. I wipe my tears and my eyes fell on the paper bag Seungmin gave me. I took the diary out from it. It looked the same, it was in a good condition as well. Seungmin kept it neatly. I took a deep breath and opened it.

'1st February, 2006
We got this dary yasterday and twoday, Minnie and me are sitting in our school gound and tinking wht to gift Innie for his bithday which is in nest week.'

I read and chuckled at my handwriting and plenty of spelling mistakes. That day Seungmin's symptoms showed up for the first time. I still remember how much I cried looking him laying like a lifeless person in the hospital.

I flipped the page,
'2nd February, 2006
I'm Kim Seungmin. Yestaday mom said I have something in my hat and I am sik. I don't know what two right more, bye.'

Cute Seungmin. I chuckled.

'9th February, 2006
Yestaday, I drank juice but I puked after that. My throat was itching too Mom said it was al- somethin. Huni gave me tat but he didn't know it was bad for me. So I saved Huni by not telling this anyone other than hyung and dad!! From now, Huni will potect me and I will potect him.'

That Huni word caught my attention. He loves calling me Hyunie. I thought and a smile formed on my face. 'Hyunjin get yourself together.' I slapped myself lightly.

I kept flipping pages and I could only see little Seungmin's messy handwriting. He wrote it everyday. But when I flipped more pages, he only wrote about some particular days. Maybe he thought pages won't be enough for him if he wrote it everyday. We think the same though.

'8th September, 2016
I was hospitalised for I don't remember the count. I am so dumb!! Gosh Kim Seungmin you are dumb!!! I knew Hyunie would get mad. He said he hates me. Ugh Seungmin can't you keep your mouth shut??!'

He confessed me for the first time that day. I skipped pages to this year.

'29th May, 2020
Today some students called me a bitch that was just behind Hyunie for his money and looks. I can't even tell them that he was my friend and I still consider him as one. His friends made fun of me. Thanks to Innie that he protected me.'

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