37. Shatter

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Jeonghan's POV

I checked Seungmin for the fourth time today. Its already a day since he had his surgery and Seungmin's still not awake. His pulse rate was normal, normal like others. I was happy that he's having a heart which beats like others and not the one that beats fast and suddenly slows down. But why isn't he still awake? I sighed and decided to wait more.

"Yes, Hyunjin he's fine don't worry. He's still not awake but don't panic ok?" I could hear Changbin talking on his phone as I exited the ICU. He saw me and after few words ended the call.

"Hyunjin?" I asked and he hummed.

"He's crying his eye out."

"He loves Seungmin." I smiled.

"Why isn't he awake?" I forgot the count of him asking this question to me today.

"We still can't figure it out. Let's us assume it is because of the anesthesia. He will be waking up soon." I smiled to comfort him. He went inside. His parents went to fetch Seungmin's belongings from the hotel.

"Oh Dr. Yoon come sit." Dr. Finn said and I sat in front of him. "How's Seungmin?"

"He isn't awake yet. His breathing is normal still no signs. When is he going to wake up?" I clicked my tongue in frustration.

"Let's wait for few more hours and chec-"

"Doctor the patient on bed number 7 is unstable." the nurse cut off his words.

"Bed number 7?!! It's Seungmin!" I panicked as both of us rushed towards the ICU.

"Hyu-hyung Se-" Changbin who was standing outside the ICU was tearing up.

"Shh Changbin relax. First call your parents. Let them arrive here first then tell them this." I said and went inside.

"What's wrong?" Dr. Finn asked the doctor who was already checking Seungmin. His breathing was heavy once again. I checked his pulse rate, again it was high. Loud peeps was heard from the ventilator.

"His heart beat was increasing and now its beating very slow!!"

The peeping sound fastened. His vitals became unstable.

"CPR!!" Dr. Finn exclaimed and he sat up on the bed kneeling. He started giving him CPR. Dr. Finn was tired and decided to switch.

I went up and started doing the same activity. I was already sweating. "Seungmin come on! Just hold on for a little while. You are doing great." I mumbled. Dr. Finn rubbed Seungmin's feet and other doctor did the same to his palms.

After repeating the activity for more five ten minutes, he finally got stable.
"He's stable." I said and got on my feet. I put my hand on the knees panting heavily. We almost lost you Seungmin.

"We need to do some tests right now. Where is his family?" he asked and they were called in.

"Seungmin!! What's wrong?" aunty  panicked.

"We need to do some test on him. We need you to fill the consent forms right now." Dr. said and they agreed.

I was afraid of one thing. No! This can't happen. It's very rare.

We did some tests on Seungmin like ECG, ultrasounds, etc.

Dr. Finn is more experienced than me. And he's one of the best heart surgeon in Germany. He will really do something to save Seungmin. He examined the reports as the Kims were seated in front of him and me sitting beside him. He finally kept the file on the table.

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