Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: This is the sequel to "Paralyzed" If you haven't read that then you be really confused, so read that first :)

(For those who might get confused about what the kids call SnC: Sam: Dada (Dad) Colby: Daddy. (Father)

Emma's POV

I groaned as I heard my alarm clock blaring in my ear.

"Ugh, I'm up," I grumbled as I hit it so it would stop.

I yawned as I slowly sat up and stretched.

I grabbed my phone before going into my bathroom and changed into some comfy clothes for school.

When I got done doing my makeup, I went downstairs.

"Hey, daddy!" I said as I saw my first- father putting some bacon and eggs on my plate.

"Hi sweetie, did you sleep well?" He asked sweetly as he handed me my plate.

"Hmh, like a charm," I said and sat down as my little brother, Victor walked down the stairs tiredly.

"Woah, looks like someone slept on the wrong side of the bed," Father said with a giggle and Victor lazily sat in his seat.

"I actually slept on the floor daddy, so yes. I did sleep on the wrong side of the bed." He grumbled as father, and I laughed.

"Why did you-never mind, I am not going to ask." He said before handing victor his food.

"So, are you both excited for your first day of school?" He asked as I took a bite of my eggs.

I was going to high school for school and I'm scared sh*tless. Also, my father's baking skills are very good.

Victor is going to his second year of middle school, so he wasn't new to that school.

"I'm excited but nervous," I said, and he nodded understanding.

"That was me on the first day, everything will hopefully be fine." He said as dad came out of his office.

For those who are confused, both of our parents are gay.

And also, for those who are still confused if we're adopted, which we're not.

Father said that he can get pregnant since it runs in his family and that's how he had us.

"Hey, dada!" Victor said as dad ruffled our hair, causing us to laugh.

"Hey kiddos, exited for school?" He asked as we both nodded.

"Yes!! I missed my friends so much!!" Victor squealed as dad walked over to father, wrapping his arms around his waist and kissed him-which I found adorable.

I loved my dad and father's relationship, every time we hang out as a family, they always are all loving together.

"Hm, I'm sure that they missed you too," Father said with a smile.

Victor and I ate our food until it was time for me to go-well my bus was going to pick me up any minute.

"Oooh, I'm now nervous," I said as I nervously folded my hands.

"Oh, don't be, you'll have fun at high school," Dad said as I slowly nodded.

I was always nervous about the first days of school, who wouldn't be? Especially the first year of high school.

"There is your bus! Better get going! Good luck!" Father said as he hugged me, and I smiled before hugging dad.

"See Ya!" I said before going towards the door.

"Oh! Bye snowflake!!" I called out to our cat before going to the bus.

I got onto the bus before sitting on a seat.

I was the only kid on the bus, so this was going to be a long morning.

When the bus got every kid, we got to our school.

"Woah." I breathed out as I looked at the school.

"Big huh?" This boy came behind me and said.

"Yeah," I said, and he chuckled.

"New also? I haven't seen you here before." He asked and I blushed with a nod.

"Yeah, I'm a freshman, My name is Emma!" I chirped and handed my hand out for him to shake.

"Ooh, Emma, that's a beautiful name. My name is Tyler." He said and we shook hands and headed inside of the huge school.

"I'm a only two grades ahead." He chuckled and I felt butterflies in my stomach.

Come on! Why do the cuter ones have to be older?

"I'll see you later Emma, I have to go to my first class, you have to get your Schedule in the office!" He said before leaving and I sighed, then went to look for the office.

When I found the office, I got my schedule before I went to look for my first-hour class.

I had art class which I was excited about since I love doing art stuff.

It didn't take me a while to find the class, so I wasn't late.

When class officially started, the teacher took attendance before getting class started.

Since it was half of a day, she was only talking about rules in this class.

When she got done talking about what was going on with this class, since there was some time, she told us to make some friends.

I had made one friend so far; her name was Chloe. She was also new to this school.

We had so many things in common which was good.

Everything was going okay so far with the first day of school, I thought it would be the opposite and be worse, but I thought wrong.

I meant other people also, I wanted to tell them about my parents being a gay couple but didn't.

I would tell them someday.

Dad told me that when he and father were in high school at my age, everyone was supportive of their relationship, but only a few people were not supportive.

I knew my new friends will be supportive but I'll hopefully warm up to them and tell them.

I wondered how Victor's first day was going.

A/N: This is the sequel!!!🥳 I'm loving it so far and hope that you guys will love it also :)

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