Chapter 41

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A/N: Kind of sad chapter and bad thoughts, please skip if triggering.

Sam's POV

"Was it nice seeing the kids?" I asked Colby, taking a hold of his hand as he stared blankly at nothing.

The kids just left to go back home.

"Yeah.." He said bluntly, his eyes still glued at nothing.

I knew that he was struggling so much now, I was scared that he wouldn't get through this.

But this is Colby for crying out loud, he is the strongest person that I know.

He then looked at me, his once was blue beautiful eyes, were now slightly grey with tears in them.

"Babe.." I trailed off with a frown when he finally broke down, sobs escaping his body when I pulled him into me.

"Shh, Shh. It's okay, let it all out, you're safe." I whispered and rubbed his back.

He let out another sob as he started to shake, his fingers gripping my shirt for comfort.

"It's okay." I cooed quietly and swayed gently.

He let out one more broken sob before his sobs went down, his body was just shaking as sniffles escaped him.

I frowned once more when He looked at me, my shaky hands moving the hair that was in his face.

"I-I'm sorry that I'm not o-okay." He said croakily as I wiped the tears that were on his face.

"Don't apologize for crying love, it's okay to be not okay,"  I said and pressed my lips to his forehead.

"..C-can I-I vent to you.." he trailed off before taking a deep breath.

I nodded my head to tell him to keep going, showing that he was safe to express his feelings.

"I-I...I want to die." He said as he shakily fiddled with his fingers and my heart dropped.

"I feel like I'm a-a bad father because of this, y-you and the k-kids deserve so much b-better." He said with a sniffled and I gripped his hand tightly.

"I-I just Th-think that..i-i know my mind is being mean to me ..b-but, it's h-hard to ignore them." He said with another sniffled and I nodded as I sniffled also.

It hurt me seeing Colby like this.

It's been so long since I saw Colby being this broken.

-a few hours later-

I kept noticing how tired Colby was, he would slightly close his eyes before opening them back up whenever I talked to him.

"Colby," I said breaking him out of his thoughts and he chewed his lip.

"Yeah..?" He looked at me and folded his arms together.

"You look tired, get some rest," I said and pulled the blanket that I brought for him, over him.

"And don't worry about me, I'll be doing something, and gonna eat also," I said as I laid him down.

He hummed tiredly as I pressed my lips against his forehead.

When I made sure that he was fully asleep, I sat down on the chair and grabbed my phone out so I could call my boss. I haven't had time to tell him that Colby had the twins early.

I also wasn't fully sure If I'll be able to get a long break so I could take care of Colby and the kids since I usually do my work online.

My boss then answer his phone and I told him everything. Which gladly wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

When I ended the call a few minutes later, my phone buzzed again, showing that Katrina was calling me.

"Hey, Sam! Oh my God! The twins are born already?!" She asked as I nodded and looked at Colby.

He looked peaceful, soft snores were escaping him.

"Yeah, I know unexpected," I said with a sigh and rubbed my forehead.

"I know right, how are they doing? Since they're born so early." She asked with concern.

"They're doing good, the doctor said that they're strong for being this early," I said quietly.

"That's good...just like Colby huh?" She said slightly with a chuckle and I nodded.

"Yeah, just like Colby," I said with a smile.

"So have you guys thought about names?" She asked as I shook my head.

"No, we have not thought about names yet, I don't know when though.." I trailed off with a sigh.

"That's okay though, don't worry about it, you and Colby will probably have names by no time." She said as I nodded.

"How is Colby he struggling?" She then asked and I looked at him, seeing that he was still sleeping.

"He's sleeping now, yeah.. he's struggling so much right n-now, God kat, I haven't seen him like this in so long," I said as my voice cracked, wiping the tears that were gonna fall.

"I know Sam, but this is Colby, he's gonna bounce back in no time." She said as I pursued my lips.

"I hope so," I said quietly.


Kat had to go so we ended the call, I had already eaten some food. so I was on my phone, next to Colby. My eyes were land on Colby here and there.

Now I was scrolling through Twitter, Twitter was quiet now surprisingly, which I was glad. Nobody in Colby and i's fan base do not know that he was pregnant.

Colby never told the fans what he was expecting, he was too scared and he thought that it was best to not tell them because of how toxic the fans can be.

It was his choice and I respect that.

I was broken out of my thoughts when I heard Colby stirring slightly in his sleep, I looked at him.

"No." He mumbled, stirring slightly.

His eyes were closed but I could see the Distress on his face.

His breathing picked as he whimpered.

"Go away, Caleb." He mumbled causing my heart to drop.

I quickly sat up to go to his side, my hand gripping his, But I wished I never did.

"No! Don't touch me!" He screamed right when I touched him as my eyes winded.

"Shh, Shh. I ain't gonna hurt you." I said quietly as he started to move more, his hands trying to push me off of him.

"No stop lying! Please no!" He choked as I pinned his arms down on the bed so he couldn't hurt himself or myself since he was getting slightly volant.

"Shh, it's okay, I ain't gonna hurt you, it's me Sam." I cooed as I saw him tensing up before laying relaxed.

I sigh when he was fully relaxed. When I made sure that he was fully okay before I started to get the couch that was in here ready so I could sleep.

Right when I was almost done making the couch, I heard Colby muttering "Sammy." causing me to turn in his direction.

He was looking at me with droopy eyes.

"C-can you sleep with me?" He mumbled tiredly, I hesitated at first but nodded with a smile.

"Of course," I said before carefully going onto the bed with him, when I made sure that I was in a comfortable position, I pulled Colby a little closer before pressing my lips against his forehead.

"goodnight my love," I mumbled as he sighed in content before closing his eyes,

I am so beyond proud of Colby for how strong he is, even if he doesn't believe that.

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