welcome to the bar

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Its Friday night and I just don't want to get up. I have to go to my regular job, its not really a necessity but when they need help I'm usually willing. But last night kicked my ass. A copy cat league of villains were trying to form so I was called in to stop it. Usually they would send some help but this time I was alone. It wasn't super hard but when you're expecting help you end up fuckin up.

Zach [the manager of the bar]:hey y/n, thanks for helping out. Tonight is some hero party or something and we need anything we can get.
Y/n:hey Zach. I'm not staying for super long, im leaving at midnight
Zach:can I ask why?
Y/n:im just exhausted. My job kicked my ass last night?
Zach:oh right the um what was it you do again?
Y/n:im a programmer for hero tech.

Thats what I told everyone, that was the job I wanted for a long time but I just never got to do it. Once the government found how about my powers they didn't want me to waste them. The money they offered would set me up for life and death. I was able to pay off my parents Graves and a new house for myself. I still do programming but its not the way I want. They do let me work in hero tech but its more of a free time thing. It kinda feels like my life is just a bunch of "if you have time come on over" so thats what I do.

Its 11pm, almost every hero is in the bar. I guess its dekus birthday and they are celebrating him, he's a really nice guy but I also don't like talking to him too much. He asked about my flying quirk a few times in hero tech and It makes me nervous. I don't really know why. He came up to the bar to get away from his friends for a second.

Deku:hey oh wait I know you...y/n with the flying quirk right?
Y/n:yeuparooni, nice to see you again midoriya. And happy birthday.
Deku:oh thank you! Hey, if its ok why are you working at this bar?
Y/n:oh im just helping out. Zach called me this morning.
Y/n:the manager, he has a speed quirk. Its really cool to watch but the side affect is he has to consume alot of alcohol to help it, plus he can accidentally cause sonic booms if he goes too fast
Deku:oh wow. Thats so cool! I'd love to meet him one day!
Zach:hey y/n, if you wanna leave now you can. We got a hold of the person your covering for.
Y/n:oh cool, thanks Zach!

Dekus eyes lightened and he jumped up to talk to Zach. I grabbed my helmet and some stuff from the back and headed out, as I walked out I looked back at the crowd and accidently made eye contact with the number two hero, katsuki bakugo. I never met him but I watched him on the news, I had a stupid childish crush on him. I blushed and looked away. I ran out and got on my motorcycle. As I started it I saw bakugo and red riot run outside looking for someone. I turned my head and drove off.

It was almost 12 now and I was excited to sleep. My house was a disaster so as long as noone needed me id be ok. Usually the government would call me a day before they needed me, they always had Intel in one way or another and never put me in any situation before a full day of brifeing. I laid on my bed that had clothes piled on it and fell asleep in seconds.

I woke up at 6am, the sun was rising and I went to the kitchen.

Y/n:ok I need to go shopping.

I only had a can of peaches left to eat so I opened it and sat on my back porch to eat them. I put on some music and started washing my clothes and cleaning my house. It was noon when everything was done and I could make a list for food. I heard my door when I was getting ready to leave for the store.

It was...deku.

Deku:oh hello, y/n um sorry to intrude.

I walked out and locked my door he walked with me to my bike.

Deku:I asked Zach if he knew where you live and where here i am haha
Y/n:um...midoriya I have to ask, why are you here?
Deku:oh im sorry were you leaving?
Y/n:um yeah, I have to go to the store. I have nothing in my fridge.
Deku:um...this is an odd request but some of my friends wanted to meet you and I was well...they forced me to ask if it'd be ok if you met with them?

No. Why midoryia? I hated using hero names until I knew the person but right now I only really know midoriya. I know of bakugo but honestly I don't know any of the others names. Ugh he looks so sad and scared. Weird for the number one hero but fine.

Y/n:oh of course thats ok! But can it be this evening?
Deku:oh perfect! Thank you, y/n.

Great. Now I have to get stuff for visitors. I've only ever had Zach here and that's because he and I used to go to school together. We were friends and he knew my parents but we grew apart. He never knew of my quirk at all, I kept it hidden my whole life. Until they did a quirk test at the hero tech agency...that was a mistake. In total only 5 people know of my quirk in its entirety. Besides the villains but they don't exactly get to tell anyone about me, plus I hide my face when I go out for a job.

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