a festival

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Tomorrow the town is holding a small festival. I'm not sure why honestly, I hardly pay attention to anything that isn't my own life at this point. Zach asked if he could come over before hand though since my place was down the street from the festival.

Since he was coming I decided to make his favorite, whiskey cupcakes. The man is an alcoholic through and through but he's a good guy. As I was making them the smell got to be too much and I had to take a break. I might like working in bar but I hate the smell of alcohol, it reminds me of vomit now. As I sat waiting to hear my timer go off a red and black truck pulled into my driveway. I saw red riot in the passenger and bakugo driving.

I'm still a little angry about the other night but I can't let anyone know it was me, so I have to pretend it didn't happen.

Bakugo:hey, y/n I hope its ok we stopped by
Red riot:why are you sitting out here?
Y/n:oh my making whisky cupcakes for a friend but the smell of alcohol is too much for me.
Bakugo:...don't you work at a bar though?
Y/n:thats not actually my job.
Rr: what is your job then?
Y/n:anyway why are you two here?
Bakugo:um..we ate all the cupcakes and were hoping...
Rr:wed like to ask for you to make us more. Well pay if thats an issue.

Honestly there were so many pros and cons but in the end it was more do I want to or not? I still really badly had a crush on bakugo so him coming over just for cupcakes wasn't the worst thing in the world....

Y/n:id love to, um but if you want them today you'll have to wait until the whiskey ones are done.

They both nodded and smiled and I heard my timer go off. I invited them in and they joined me in the kitchen.

Rr:wow those look so good!
Y/n:thanks! I'm making the frosting. Wanna help?
Rr:oh no thanks, I uh...I hurt my wrist the other day so I need to take care of it.
Y/n:...youre red riot though....isn't your quirk harden?
Rr:....ya. and I wasn't doing my quirk when I hurt myself.
Y/n:oookay then, what about you bakugo?
Bakugo:oh um sure.

He stared everything while I told him what to do and how. Now time for the whiskey. It was Zach favorite kind too. Irish. We put almost half the bottle for it.

Bakugo:do we have to use that much?
Y/n:no but he's not gonna be happy unless he's drunk.
Rr:thats sad.
Y/n:oh no its actually really cool. Alcohol helps his speed.
Bakugo:oh this is the bar that you were working at, its the manger right?
Rr:oh so he's your boyfriend?
Bakugo:dude leave her alone
Y/n:hes not my boyfriend, gross. Hes just a nice guy. Plus neither of us like eachother like that.

It was true, Zach asked me out once and we went on a date. It went badly and I told him I don't like sex. We ended up staying friends since then. And I get to be his wingman. Its fun for me to watch him get rejected or get accepted and give me a goofy thumbs up as he walks out. Both the guys stared at me.

Zach knocked on the door and I walked to him. He smiled and followed me to the kitchen where the other two men stood awaiting.

Rr:they are so good! Bakugo ate all the ones in our apartment so I only got what I brought home.
Y/n:wait you guys live in an apartment?
Bakugo:yeah, well we are saving up for other stuff as well and the more and faster you save the better.
Rr-plus i don't like living alone.

Zach and I laughed and we all frosted the cupcakes. I put them in a container for him and Zach waved off. He asked us to the festival tomorrow, the guys said maybe since their jobs and I said no. I don't really like festivals. They are pretty, but its too much energy.

*time skip the festival night*

Zach:come on, please?
Y/n:Zach im not going.
Zach:bakugo said he was coming!
Y/n:no he said maybe because he didn't want to be rude. Also don't use that against me. I said that to you in confidence.
Zach:come on, one night. There's gonna be fireworks and I heard there was a mask vendor. You love masks

If I go with him tonight I can get out of the next event he'll try to drag me to. Just one night? And I might be able to find a cool mask....

Y/n:fine. But I hate you.

We went and I saw midoriya and uraraka there as well. They waved to me and ran up to me.

Deku:hey! How are you
Uraraka:oh is this your boyfriend?
Zach:oh no, just her friend. Which reminds me, ill be back in a second.
Y/n:wait. Here.

I handed him a mint and he skipped off to a pretty girl.

Bakugo:oh that makes sense now.

He came from no where.

Y/n:oh fuck you scared me.
Deku:kachan told us that Zach invited him and kirishima so we decided to come by too.
Uraraka:I hope its ok
Y/n:of course! I'm sure the festival people love that you guys are out and about. Especially in such a small festival.
Bakugo:yeah it gives us alot of attention.

I tried to leave the conversation. Bakugo always talked to me looking me in the eyes since yesterday. It gave me butterflies and I couldn't handle it. His red eyes looked like a blood moon. They heros ended up following me where I went, it made me feel like a guide.

Deku:so how long have you lived in this neighborhood?
Y/n:oh um...only maybe 4 years? I moved here at 18.
Uraraka:18? You had enough money to buy a house at 18?
Y/n:oh my parents were heros so they put half their money away for me. It was enough to either start college or enough to buy a small house. I chose the house and started going into debt for school. Then got my job and now I'm out of debt and ok.
Uraraka:what do you do?
Deku:I told you, she works in hero tech. She made a few of bakugos gadgets.
Bakugo:wait really? I thought I met everyone who made what I use?
Y/n:I designed and put prototypes together. You and I met maybe once for the initial design but it wasn't very memorable.

Everyone went quiet. Bakugo apologized and Zach came back looking defeated.

Zach:please help.
Y/n:no. I hate you.
Zach:ill give you anything.
Y/n: I don't need or want anything.
Zach:if you don't ill tell the untelable.
Y/n:ill kill you.
Zach:with what? I'm faster than you can fly.
Y/n:we can try it out.

He used a puppy dog lip and his cyan eyes made me want to die. I hated this. Of course ill help this asshole.

Y/n:....hold on.

I went up into the sky and looked around. I saw only a cute guy that looked sad, like he got left behind. I brought him to Zach.

Zach:oh hi.
Zach:sorry she...she wanted me to meet new people.
Guy:yeah I tried coming to do the same. I broke up with my ex a few month ago but I haven't been very social since then.

They ended up leaving the festival together. Kirishamia came up to me.

Rr-soo...he's bi?
Rr-oh ok. Cool, so you guys hungry?
Bakugo:oh I know a good restaurant around here.
Y/n:oh um I have to head back home to get my motorcycle.
Bakugo: Oh ok, um heres my number just text me when you're ready and ill tell you the address.

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