First date

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( Y/N POV)

As I was waking up and about to sit up and stretch I felt pretty strong arms around me preventing me from getting up, I looked down and saw my lovely boyfriend muichiro. I smiled softly at him talking to me in his sleep and leaned down to kiss his cheek and move some hair out of his face. Then I heard his room door opening slowly and saw his mom walk in with two cups of coffee (or tea if that's what you drink) and sit them on his dresser and opening his curtains a little to let I some sunlight.

She turned around and saw me awake and waved at me smiling softly and I waved back smiling and felt muichiro squirming starting to wake up. She had left the room giving me a small thumbs up and muichiro tightened his grip on my waist whining "Babe~ close the curtains~ I don't want to get up!" My heart clenched hearing his whiny morning voice.

I slid down a little bit and hugged him and he kissed my cheek and looked at me with tired eyes. "Good morning honey." He said playing with my (hair type) hair and sitting up slightly sitting me on his lap. I looked over to his dresser and saw the frappes/ teas sitting there so I grabbed both of our cups and moved my head from his chest handing him his cup.

(Muichiro POV)

(Y/N) handed me a cup of coffee/tea and I realized that my mom must have seen us cuddling, I mentally face palmed and sighed. I took a sip of my drink and sighed satisfied with the taste, then I felt (Y/N) kiss my cheek and crawl off my lap and get her outfit for the day. I had already missed her warmth and got up to get ready myself grabbing a black hoodie and some ripped jeans. I went to my bathroom since (Y/N) changes in the guest bathroom and changed into my outfit.

When I walked out to go downstairs I saw that she was already downstairs wearing this.

When I walked out to go downstairs I saw that she was already downstairs wearing this

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( You can change the color and imagine your skin color )

I went up behind her and hugged her waist and rested my head upon hers. She then said " Your being quite clingy today baby. Is there any reason?" I turned her head towards mine and pecked her lips and said " I want to go on a date tonight." Her (e/c eye color) eyes sparkled and her lips curled into a sweet smile and she hugged me putting her head in my chest saying "Of course babe!" But it sounded muffled by my hoodie.

I heard the front door open and looked to see that yuichiro and my mom had just got home from shopping and saw me and ( Y/N) hugging. " What are you guys hugging for?" Yuichiro asked. I went over to him and said "We're going on a date tonight." He looked at me and smirked at me saying " Looks like I got the house to myself tonight."

I smacked him upside the head and said "Shut up yui." He looked dead at me and said " Don't call me yui." I got scared and said " All right all right geez!" He walked to put away the groceries and I decided to get something to eat for breakfast. I made pancakes and eggs for me and (Y/N) and then went for a run after I ate.

*Time skip to you guys leaving brought to you by yuichiro being selfish*

You and muichiro were ready to go out for dinner and a walk on the pier wearing this.

(Change the colors if you want to)

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(Change the colors if you want to)

And he was wearing this.

And he was wearing this

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(Smth like this ig-)

(Y/N POV) 

Me and muichiro walked downstairs to see my sister and his mom standing there waiting for us to come down and take pictures. I stood in front of the roses they had in their garden for the pictures with muichiro holding my waist. I feel so happy today I have the perfect boyfriend,perfect family and I can't ask for anything else but everyone's happiness.

After pictures were taken me and muichiro left for our dinner date, when we got there we got an outdoor table and (food of choice). After dinner mui had taken me to the pier and we went to the arcade and he won me a cute little monokuma plushie. ( I wanna watch Danganronpa now) and then headed home.

On the way home muichiro had decided to record a videos for us to remember our first date forever and it turns out he he had recorded a lot of our date with our arcade moments and our dinner.

I was so happy that I started crying and hugged him tightly, and he kissed me softly before we went inside the house to see muichiro's mom, nee-san and yuichiro standing in front of the door. We both stood there with wide eyes and looked at each other and back at them. "So.... How was it?" Nee-san asked me.

I answered saying " It was amazing. He won me a monokuma plushie and took me on a walk on the pier." Smiling brightly at muichiro who blushed lightly and smiled back at me. Nee-san started squealing and said " My little sister got her first date already! Your growing up so fast." I smiled and hugged her before she left to go home.

"Thank you for tonight babe. Your the best... boyfriend... ever." I said dozing off in his arms while he was rubbing my hair softly and said " Your welcome baby. Your the best girlfriend ever and I hope you know that." And with that we had cuddled our way to sleep.

A/N: So from now on all my stories will be including the bipoc community so you can imagine y/n as your skin color but when it's needed I will put (S/C) for skin color. Hope you all are having a good day/night! Love y'all ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Word count 1079

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