School dance

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( Muichiro POV)

I was in my living room sitting next to nii-chan who was staring at his phone as usual, I don't even know why he's going to the dance he doesn't have a date. I heard a car horn honk outside and I jumped up to see a white limo parked outside, I grabbed nii-chan's hand and pulled him outside. The door was opened and I saw (y/n) wearing a gorgeous dress with ombre eyeshadow, winged eyeliner, and pink lipstick she smiled at me and waved at yuichiro who was frowning before sitting next to me in the car. "Hey boys! Are you guys excited for the dance?" She asked me excitedly.

I answered saying " I am but I don't know about aniki. He doesn't even have a date to the dance. Hehehe!" I whispered in her ear, she silently gasped and giggled before she kissed my cheek making me blush wildly and turn away from her embarrassed. She laughed at me and grabbed my hand and held it tightly before grabbing her phone and taking some selfies of us together. Twenty minutes later we made it to school and everyone that was standing outside had looked at our limo that stopped in front of the crowd, Yuichiro got of the car first and a bunch of girls started squealing and screaming at him. He just rolled his eyes and stood next to the door letting me out.

The screaming intensified as I got out of the car and when I was all the way out the screaming stopped, and was followed by yelling and whistling from a bunch of guys who were looking at (y/n) who was climbing out of the car holding a glittery purse and held my hand. All the fan girls jaws were floored when they were staring at her in her outfit. She only smiled and waved at everyone who was looking at her. The fan boys tried to go towards her but I glared at them before they even got close to her.

( Your POV)

I went inside the school holding muichiro's hand and yuichiro was walking over to some of his friends that didn't have a date like him, then a fan boy stood infront of me and tried to grab my hand to dance with him but muichiro stepped in and said " Sorry she's taken. She's my girlfriend so back off." The fan boy looked surprised but then smiled and said " Sorry man but I think your girl wants to go with me. Right sweetheart?" I gagged out loud to say that I don't like him and said " Nope sorry not sorry but I'm with my amazing boyfriend. Oh and by the way your not the best looking I've seen so yeah bye!" 

I then pulled muichiro with me leaving the fan boy shocked and standing there with his jaw floored, Muichiro look at me and said " I didn't know you had that in you baby. Your gorgeous and strong that's why I love you." Before kissing my cheek and grabbing two glasses and poured you both some punch into them, as we went to sit down I saw the same guy who was trying to take me home with him when I was getting snacks with the twins. "Hey gorgeous. Finally ready to go to my place and have fun? If so just tell me and I can-" He was interrupted by me slapping the taste out of his mouth and everyone heard the smack.

It was silent and everyone was staring my way but I didn't care I was livid, he tried to take me again when muichiro was right there. Muichiro then said " You need to back the hell off because yeah she is my girlfriend. And if you don't well I can't promise that I'll be able to hold her back." The guy then said " Why do you always ruin our fun femboy? Can you please just break up with her already? I want her for myself." He said grabbing my waist and pulling me towards him. I kicked him straight in the balls and and made him fall to the ground and I laughed at him, while he groaned in pain. I ran to find my science teacher and saw him holding the class snake and once the snake saw me he slithered out of his hands and towards me.

I picked him up and walked over to Iguro sensei who stood up and looked at me with kaburamaru around my neck, he then asked " Is there a problem (y/n)? You look pissed off." I giggled and said " Yeah there's a guy who keeps grabbing my waist and asking me to go to his place. I already denied him but he won't go away. Can you help me?" He followed me to where I was before and saw a crowd of people yelling "Fight fight fight!" I moved in between the crowd and saw the guy swinging punches at muichiro who dodged them easily with a bored look on his face, he saw me and pulled me and when the guy was about to punch him he stopped and I punched him to the ground.

Iguro sensei had came in the crowd to get the boy and he said " Your a very disappointing student you know. (Y/N) Muichiro you did good he's going to be suspended for the next two weeks now. Enjoy the rest of the dance everyone." And with that he dragged him out of the dance and to the principal, everyone laughed and continued with their night and danced with their dates and the ones without dates just played video games together while muichiro and I snuck out of the gym to go to the wisteria tree garden for a walk. I looked at him and he looked at me and asked " Is something wrong baby?" I nodded my head slightly and said " I'm worried about how far my fan boys will go just to be with me. And also I'm very cold." 

Muichiro gave me a sweater he had and wrapped it around my shoulders, and went to find a bench for us to sit down. When we sat down he pulled me onto his lap and held me tightly and kissed my face everywhere and said " I love you baby. I'll protect you like I did earlier tonight. Besides you did pretty good beating the guy up tonight I loved when you kicked him straight in the balls." He laughed recalling the moment and I giggled with him, then he kissed me on the lips and pulled away after a minute. I looked at him and he squished my cheeks together (get your heads out the gutter y'all) making me have a kissy face.

I laughed and pulled his hands away and hugged him before standing up and pulling him to the school for the slow dance, after the dance I went to muichiro's house and saw my parents and sister and muichiro's mom all waiting in the living room for us. I ran to my mom and hugged her tightly before hugging my dad, mitsuri then said " How was the dance? Did you have fun?" You smiled and said " It was amazing! But I did get into a fight with a fan boy. Don't worry I slapped him pretty hard though and he got suspended."

Everyone in the room laughed and ate dinner and dessert and my parents finally met my boyfriend, and they accepted him. This is the best night of my life and nothing changes that. 

A/N: I FINALLY UPDATED THIS SHIT!! Hope y'all enjoy the hard work put into this chapter and make sure to vote if you want to for more chapters like this. Love y'all lots ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💖💚💙💛

Word count:1322

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