Uhm... Stacy, I-

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Colliding Entries Part One

Perspective: unknown

Ships involved in this chapter: unknown

Time: day of episode 5.

Dear Diary,

Today was the most wonderful day of my entire life. I finally confessed to Luke! Just the sight of his charming smile when he looked at me was enough to make my heart stop. It was right then that I knew I had nothing to fear from him, and that I could express my feelings.

 And then the moment came.

The warmth coming from him when we kissed made me feel so safe, like nothing could ever hurt me again. His orange tinted hair, how I longed to run my fingers through it as strands brushed against my forehead. His beautiful golden eyes, glimmering towards me, just like his heart. Such a kind and caring soul, always looking out for others. Such as when a certain someone smoothly dropped their English books earlier, being Luke, he was right there to pick them up, his hair flowing gracefully along his face, like a perfect frame for a perfect picture. He's an angel.

My angel.

I'm so thrilled he feels the same way. After such a long time, we can finally be together. I've waited an eternity for this moment, and it's finally arrived. I can't remember a time I didn't love him. It feels as if I've known him forever. When he's around me, everything just seems so much brighter. Like he's the only other person in the world. Luke is so amazing, I can't imagine what I would have done if he rejected me. Oh silly me, doubting myself once again. Of course he wouldn't reject me, we're soulmates! I'm meant to be with him. 

After all, when I confessed to him today, he was speechless. His warm, golden eyes locked onto mine. His whole face seemed to be glowing, yet in a different way than usual. His facial expressions, so touched, almost frowning.

All he could muster up was

 "Uhm... Stacy, I-"



I hope you guy's enjoyed the first chapter! I think Stacy's a bit confused with the situation. I'm so excited to finally have Colliding Entries up on here, as you may or may not be able to tell, I've cleaned it up a little bit, fixed grammar and such. I'll try to get the rest of the pre-written chapters up pretty quickly, and I'll be uploading them as I write them as well.

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