Not the Case.

140 6 6

October 7


This isn't good.

The past few days while I was keeping an eye on Stacy, I realized she's been talking to someone Zander and I both know. Keith. I could just brush it off as a coincidence, but Zander and I both agree this is too big of an issue. There's no way Stacy would hang around with someone like him without a clear reason. Hell, you couldn't pay me to talk to him. Not that he would want to talk to me either.

Let's just say the three of us don't exactly get along.

At all.

Keith has been our classmate for years now. At one point we were even friends for a bit. He's been pining over Zander since middle school, almost as long as I have. Although he wasn't nearly as respectful about it. I was always able to keep my feelings to myself, in case of hurting or confusing Zander.

This was not the case for Keith.

He didn't care what Zander thought of him. Towards the beginning of the eighth-grade year, Keith told Zander he "thought he was hot" and that he should go out with him. I was standing right there beside the two of them. Keith knew I liked Zander. That's the kind of person he is. Which is why when Zander respectfully declined, saying they were too young and he didn't feel the same way, Keith laughed it off. Not in a self-defense way, but in an egotistical "he just doesn't know he likes me yet" way.

Over the next two years or so, Keith continued to verbally harass Zander. Although nothing ever reached extreme levels, Keith was seriously crossing the line. Every day trying different ways to convince Zander to date him, every day Zander replies with the same thing. "I already said no thank you, Keith." This obviously didn't make him happy, and it was really hard on Zander too. Anyways, towards the end of ninth grade, Keith finally had enough. He lashed out at the two of us, officially ending our already broken friendship. There was no coming back for him now. No more redemption.

After that, he was even worse.

Sure, Zander and I have dealt with bullies before. The whole music club has. As I've mentioned before, they usually back off after a while for various reasons. So once again...

This was not the case for Keith.

Throughout the rest of ninth grade and all of the tenth grade, he began picking on us. Taunting Zander, insulting me, and more that I prefer not to look back on. Even this year he still attempts to bully us, as he knows that he's the only bully we haven't dealt with yet. The only reason he's around a little less often is that we usually are with the club throughout the day, which makes it more likely that a teacher can be notified, and it's just more of a hassle for him.

At least that's what we thought.

Zander and I got so caught up in all of this we almost completely forgot about Keith. Then all of a sudden we saw Stacy talking to him. So that explains why he's been a bit more under the radar. Stacy we can handle, Keith is a different story. I just hope they don't try anything reckless. With the two of them in their current state, we need to keep an eye out.

We might even need to ask some people for help.

-Luke P.





I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I love how Luke teases that new people will be added, though that won't even happen till book two- Anyways, how did you like hearing a little bit about their backstory? I'm excited for when I finally get to rewrite this eventually because I'd like to go much more in-depth with each chapter. The next chapter should be up relatively soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2022 ⏰

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