I Think His Name Is Alex?

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Colliding Entries Part Three

Perspective: Stacy

Ships involved in this chapter: none (mention of Lander)

Time: Monday following episode 5

Dear Diary,

Today was the worst day of my entire life. I was at my locker today, grabbing my books, and decided I would go see Luke. It had been a whole weekend since I had last seen him, which felt so much longer.  Every moment away from him made my life more and more gloomy. As I shut my locker to go meet him at his, I saw something a bit surprising. Luke was walking down the hallway with his best friend; I think his name is Alex? Normally this would be fine, I would never restrict my boyfriend from hanging out with his other friends, but when I looked closer I was able to see that they were holding hands! Weird right? I thought to myself "They've known each other a long time, that's probably normal to them," and so I decided to brush it off.

Well, more or less.

I started to get really suspicious of this Alex guy, so I decided to keep an eye on him throughout the day. I kept seeing things like from before; holding hands, hugging, even kissing my boyfriend's cheek. That's when I decided to draw the line. I'm sorry, but kissing? This was going too far, I knew I had to confront him. That Alex guy needs to know his boundaries.

This is where my day started plummeting downwards.

Well, I think I need to calm down a bit before I continue. Thinking about this is getting me more upset.



I hope you enjoyed this chapter! It's one of the shorter ones, so I tried to lengthen it a little bit. Stacy seems to be getting a little tense. I wonder what she's going to say to "Alex". The next chapter should be up relatively soon.

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