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Colliding Entries Part Four

Perspective: Luke

Ships involved in this chapter: Lander

Time: Monday following episode 5

September 30th

This morning I woke up at 5:30, same as usual. I made my bed, brushed my teeth, took a shower, and did the rest of my morning routine, same as usual. I left my house, same as usual.

Except, it was really different.

Every day, Monday through Friday, 6:45 in the morning, I pick up my best friend. We walk down to the coffee shop and get breakfast together, then we head to school.

This is no longer the case.

It was 6:30 in the morning, and I was not heading to my best friend's house.

I was heading to my *boyfriend's* house.

Usually, I would just let myself in when I arrived, but instead, I knocked on the door and stood outside. After about two minutes, the door slowly creaked open.

"Oh! Sorry, Luke, I thought it was the mailman. Usually, you just come in."

Thanks, Hailey, now I feel even more awkward.

"Hailey, who's at the door?" I heard from upstairs.

She called back "Who do you think, idiot?"

Hailey let me in the house, and after about 20 seconds, I heard someone run down the stairs.

I looked over, to see Zander frantically running around the house.

"Hailey, have you seen my hairbrush? I checked everywhere and it hasn't shown up. Do you think Mom grabbed it accidentally aga-"

Note to self: Don't stand in front of doorways when a speeding grape is around.

You get smashed.

"L-Luke! Hi! I'm so sorry-"

I was already beat red, but the flustered look on his face made it even worse.

"I'll be leaving now..." I glanced over to see Hailey awkwardly walk towards and out the door.

He asked me if I was okay, so I kind of laughed it off and said I was fine. My nose did hurt a little, but I didn't want to make him feel bad. Instead, I reached my hand through his hair and said, "Your hair already looks great by the way". Cringe, I know, but I couldn't let him feel bad about himself. I hope he wasn't uncomfortable.

We walked out of Zander's house and down the street to the cafe. We were pretty quiet on the walk there, but things seemed pretty normal once we arrived. He ordered the food, and I stared at him. I swear I'm not a creep, he just amazes me. The way he can look so professional, yet so adorable at the same time always brings me to a gaze.

He came back to me smiling, handing me my drink. His smile gives me joy, energy, and confidence. He's like my lifeline, someone I could never afford to lose. I gave him a quick peck on the forehead and then walked out the door, Zander closely behind.

That's when something I had only dreamed of happened again. As he got closer, Zander lightly touched my hand, and then grasped onto it. Although a small gesture, I was bright red once again. Even after Friday, it was the first time it really dawned on me that it was official. 

We were official.

I have to head to period one now. I'll fill you in on the rest of today later.

-Luke P.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Don't you just love a little fluff before some upcoming angst? >:)

Sorry it took so long to get up, I couldn't figure out how to upload from this device for a while :/

More chapters will be up soon!

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