A Drummer's Point Of View

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Colliding Entries Part Two

Perspective: Luke

Ships involved in this chapter: Lander and a bit of Stuke

Time: day of episode 5.

September 27

I can't believe how crazy, yet amazing today was. I came into school today tired like usual, but even more so. Throughout the day my energy, as well as my anxiety built up drastically. Today at lunch rehearsals, I was going to confess to Zander. I've wanted to for years, but I never had the courage. I stayed up all night last night writing him a song that Jake agreed to sing for me.

I'll have to thank him again later for that.

Anyways, practice came, and Hailey had to sing the song instead, since Jake was still with his other friends. I was staring at Zander almost the whole time she sang, but then he saw me so I tried to quickly dart my eyes away. I don't think it worked though. It seemed like he noticed me. After the song, I decided it was time.

Stuttering, I asked, "S-So Zander, what did you think?" I hope it wasn't too obvious how flustered I was when Zander said he liked it. After we talked about the song, I had finally built up just enough courage to say what I had wanted to say for years.

Then the bell rang.

Somehow that bell was able to break down my self esteem with each ring. I ended up blurting out that I would tell him after school. Great, two more hours of pure nervousness.

Look, I know I said I would talk to him after school, but I felt like it had to be done as soon as possible. He looked at me so differently lately, although I could never tell why. He seemed so upset, and somehow that let me know this wasn't something I could keep in much longer.

I wanted to talk to him during P.E., but Hailey showed up first. I honestly thought that maybe you liked someone else. I was only able to glance over, as my classmates were trying to talk to me, but I saw Zander get flustered. It could've been anything Hailey said, but at the time relationships were all that came to mind.

I need to tell him.

I remember thinking, "Finally, the end of the day. Now's my chance to talk to Zander".

"Hey, Zander-"

And then she came.

Stacy walked by right at that moment, tripping and dropping her schoolbooks. Of course I helped her up, and gave her a moment to recollect herself. She apologized for bothering us, in which I was about to reply with forgiveness, as she didn't do anything wrong anyways. All I cared about was sharing my feelings with the boy beside me.

That's when she asked me to help her bring the books to the English Classroom.

That's when things got intense.

As I walked away with Stacy, I was able to spot Jake and some of his friends. I hope nothing went down while I was gone, but I haven't had much of a chance to ask. As I placed the stack of books down onto a desk, I felt a light tap on my shoulder.

Then she kissed me.

All my limbs froze up. I honestly had no clue what was happening. Then something horrible happened. She confessed she liked me. Don't get me wrong, you can like whoever you like, that wasn't my concern. There were two reasons that this event was horrible. One, I would have to hurt her feelings when a confession takes a lot of guts, and two, I caught a glimpse of purple behind me at the door. As my eyes refocused in that direction, I saw him.

In the many years I've known Zander, I have never seen him look so broken.

I had to go explain myself.

I needed him to know.

Next thing I know, I'm sprinting down the corridors, trying my best not to bump into anyone, whilst still keeping my eye on him. I don't understand why he doesn't join track. I consider myself a relatively athletic teen, and he still can outrun me whenever he feels like it. I honestly think the only reason I caught up was because of my determination at that point in time. Thank goodness I convinced him to stop running.

This right here, this was the most important moment in my entire life.

He was crying.

He thought I liked Stacy.

He compared himself to her.

He liked me back.

I'm sorry for not asking before kissing you Zander, I was in such an emotional state, and I lost control. I was being stupid, I hope you didn't mind.

He loved me back.

-Luke P.


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I'm trying to stick to canon events for this part, so that's why I didn't add consent at the end (although I was tempted) and decided to at least let him acknowledge it. Overall I loved writing this chapter, it was fun putting a spin on episode five. Next chapters should be up relatively soon!

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