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Colliding Entries Part Six

Perspective: Stacy

Ships involved in this chapter: none

Time: Monday night following episode 5

Dear Diary,

I need a plan. I refuse to let that two-timing freak have the last laugh. Of course, I'll forgive him though, I mean, it's true love after all! I love him, and he will love me. In time, I'll make sure of that. Right now I have only one main problem.

The purple guy.

I must admit, he is quite intimidating. Even to me, he could be considered a minor threat. He has this look in his eye, a look I know all too well.

The same look I use.

Staring into their enemy's soul, learning all about them from a glance. Judging them with just the movement of pupils. Whatever he is, he's just like me. Except, I know how to play the game. That is, the game of life. There is no black and white, only one big dark shade of grey. There is no good, there is no evil. Just motives. No matter how pure you may think you are, everyone wants something, and everyone intends to get it. It's our drive to achieve our goals that make us who we are.

Right now my only goal is to eliminate that boy from the equation. Luke isn't important right now, as things must be taken one step at a time. All I have to do is take the purple guy out of the picture. I'll have to play it smart, though. I don't want to get caught. Plus, I still need to learn more about him.

Who is he? What is his relationship to Luke? What parts of him get in my way? What is it that makes him, him? What are his strengths, weaknesses, who does he have relationships with, how does he act, how does he move, what are his secrets?

All of this will determine my methods. Life is a very strategic game, and I intend to win it. So much information I need to know to move forward and carry out my plan. I better start preparing, I have a lot of work ahead of me. It's okay though, this should be pretty easy.

Life is a game of chess.

And oh, do I love chess.



I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I wonder how Stacy plans to go about all of this? The next chapter should be up relatively soon.

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