He's Mine

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Colliding Entries Part Five

Perspective: Stacy

Ships involved in this chapter: none (slight mention of Lander)

Time: Monday following episode 5

Dear Diary,


I can't believe this! I decided to go talk to that boy Alex when I thought Luke wasn't around.

That was a bad decision.

I approached the purple boy and received a disturbing glare. Not even an "oh it's them" glare, but an "I hate their guts" glare. I can't believe that guy! Anyways, I tell him he better keep his distance from my boyfriend, or he'll regret it. I mean, he deserved it. He just stared at me in shock and confusion, which then turned into the meanest face I've ever seen.

"What the hell are you talking about?" He snarled. The scowl on his face looked like he was ready to rip into me. Even I'll admit I was a little scared for my own safety. That's when Luke came walking down the hallway. Just great.

I could tell Luke knows Alex was mad, because his expression changed when he saw him. He started asking if there was a problem, so I responded along the lines of "well of course there's a problem, he's trying to steal you from me!" Both boys stared at me confused once again.

"Stacy I think there's been a misunderstanding-"

"Yea, he's not your boyfriend, he's mine."

With that the purple boy tugged Luke's scarf to bring him down to the same level, and gave him a small kiss, turning him a shade of pink.

A kiss


What a two-timing player! I can't believe he would do this to me, but of course, I held back my tears and played along with the clown. I'll worry about revenge later.

Let's see who will be playing who.



I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Stacy's getting mad... I wonder what she's planning.

Next chapter should be up relatively soon!

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