Triangles and Newton's Law

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"So you're telling me..."

"Look I know I sound crazy, Luke, but I swear there's something up with that girl. I won't go any farther if yo-"

"It's okay, Zander. I can see it too," Luke sighed, "I'm not that oblivious and naive you know."

The two boys stared into each other's eyes for a moment, as if they were having a silent conversation with each other, each telling a story through their dark black pupils.

After a small pause, the taller boy questioned, "So, now what?"

"Now, we wait." replied the other. This was a dangerous game they were playing, so they had to be as precise as possible.

Zander continued in a low voice, almost whispering, "We can't let her know that we know she's planning something. We have to wait until she makes, or is about to make a move."

"Right, we can't counterattack if there's no attack to begin with."


The golden-eyed boy pulled a hand up to his face in deep thought, contemplating their current situation.

After noticing his partner's serious look, the purple-haired male stood on his toes and gave his boyfriend a quick peck before saying, "I'll see you after class, okay? Don't stress, I love you."

"O-Okay, love you too."

Zander's POV

As I walked away from Luke, I felt as if a major weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. Luke and I were on the same track. There's no need to stress over our love being jeopardized now. Things were going to be okay. Things are okay. Luke is on board with the plan, we currently have Stacy outpowered, everything can be kept simple. Soon enough everything will be back to normal. Who knows? Maybe we won't even have to do anything. Stacy could just leave us be and accept our relationship. She could just give up.

I doubt that, though.

Oh well, no need to worry. It's all under control. We can handle anything she tries to throw at us. Stacy can only do so much anyways. I mean, we're just high school students. She's just a teenage girl, Luke and I are just teenage boys. This whole situation is just some really messed up love triangle, if you can even call it that. I just hope she doesn't try anything too big.

As Newton's third law said: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction

In other words, let's hope she knows what's coming for her.

I don't want things getting messy.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter! It's really fun when I get to include perspectives besides the journal and diary entries. Will Luke and Zander be able to go against whatever Stacy tries? How far will she go to reach her goals? The next chapter should be up relatively soon.

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