Outweighing The Risks

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Dear Diary,


That's the name of my accomplice.

Don't worry, I had time to think over if he was a good idea. His reputation is definitely... interesting to say the least. That's okay, though. Reputation is currently the least of my concern. What's important is that the benefits outweigh the risks.

Keith has quite a rough personality, to put it one way. He definitely has goals and motives, in that way he's like me. That's the only way though. Don't tell him I told you this, but he's way too emotional. Without me, he would never get what he wants. He tries to act too quickly out of frustration, which is why I'm here. Although I know he isn't the best partner for this, as I've mentioned before, he has quite a few benefits. First off, he's definitely not what one may call "shrimpy". He seems to have a rather decent build, and his bitter attitude compliments it well. This comes in handy when he's around Luke and Zander. This brings me to my next point. He already knows the two of them. Quite well I might add. They seem to have quite a bit of history, whether good or bad isn't my concern. Keith's part of the plan is strictly his, my part is strictly mine. No need to interfere with each other's goals.

Unless he gets in the way of mine, we should be fine.

I know he seems a bit shady, but everything's fine! We made a deal, after all. Apparently, there's someone in the world capable of loving that rotten grape. That person, of course, is Keith. All I had to do was come up with a plan that would satisfy him as well.

Let's just say Luke and Zander are in for an emotional rollercoaster.

I just hope nothing gets messed up, I can't let that purple freak have my Luke. Oh never mind, I'm just being silly! Nothing will be messed up! It can't be! I've been too careful!

Don't worry! I've already started collecting a file on Keith. I also have one on anyone else that I may need. Almost all of them are complete too! I'm just missing a few pieces of information in each. All their strengths, weaknesses, secrets, all stored in the little drawer of my nightstand!


No, you can't see it! That's private information!

Okay, maybe later I'll let you see them, but only if you promise to stay quiet about it!

Well, I have to go eat and work on the files. Talk to you later!






I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Each chapter I've posted so far was written quite a while ago since this isn't up to date yet. Once this is over I might actually rewrite the whole story, since I'm not too happy with my earlier writing. Anyways, what do you think Stacy has in mind with Keith? What did they compromise on? The next chapter should be up relatively soon.

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