boop 154 for now.....

18 1 2

(Luna) why can't i go to the overworld!?

(Steve) how many times do i have to tell you... no nether monsters are allowed in the overworld!

(Luna) im not a monster! Im me!

(Steve) we're done with this conversation go to your room

(Luna) fine! *goes to room* what am i going to do now....

(Jeff) kill people,stab people,hanging people's heads behind your secret wall....

(Luna) what are you doing here?

(Jeff) just to teach you some things that's all *insanely laughs*

(Luna) meh not in the mood i would love to see the stars for the first time though... and the Lunar eclipse since it's tonight

(Jeff) *reads 'a guild to Luna'* not during a lunar eclipse your not

(Luna) why?

(Jeff) something called Lunrainium grows on your skin and possesses you when your exposed to moonlight during a lunar eclipse and it can turn you "normal" again after the moon is bellow the horizon...

(Luna) it can?! Meh I'll just wear sunglasses

(Jeff) that's a great idea since both of your eyes will be white and brighter than ever and yeah...

(Luna) umm ok so bye?

(Jeff) cya later

(Luna) *climbs out of window and runs towards portal to the overworld as she goes through it*

[Luckly it's only a full moon]

(Luna) it's so bootiful.... *lays on grass as all the animals start to evacuate from their homes and she closes her eyes*

(Creeper) a human this late at night? Must be a noob.... but why is everyone gone and not trying to harm the girl? *approaches Luna with no hissing sound* hello?

(Luna) hello there Chris the creeper how are you doing? Aren't you supposed to be with your family so they can tell you what horrible monster i am?

(Chris) i don't think humans are monsters... heck, we're the ones that r litterly monsters...

(Luna) i am a monster *opens eyes as one glowing eye and a blood red eye*

(Chris) *gasps* y-you're h-h-heerobrine's d-d-d-daughter?! I thought u were a myth!

(Luna) *reveals scars and back,shoulders,legs, and arms* these are from the battles of herobrine's army and the wolf unit but this one *points to eye scar* was from my father himself

(Chris) *eyes widen in amazement* wow...

(Luna) i'm not as scary as people think i am but people surely r fearful of Jess the killer

(Chris) *chills shiver up spine* she sure does look terrifying.... she is the creeper queen after all so i probably shouldn't say anything.. but with the terrifying part your not as terrifying

(Luna) no need to remind me my friend u should get going now don't want your family leaving you...goodbye Chris!

(Chris) bye Luna! *Smiles*

[Alone once again...]


(Luna) *closes eyes shut and listens to the breeze*

[In the sky a few miles away from Luna]

(Squid king) looks like a great squid recruit a human...

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