boop 189 wow Hero wow..

17 2 4

(Luna) ooooo i found hero's diary! *opens it and reads his biggest crush and starts to puke* WHAT?!

(Destiny) hey shooting star what's u- OH MY NOTCH WHAT?!

(Herobrine) *walks in* hey guys what are yo- *grabs diary and runs* YOU DIDN'T SEE ANYTHING!

(Luna) *runs after hero* Jess and Herobrine sitting in a tree K.I.S.S.I.N.G First comes love, second comes mar- *Destiny covers Luna's mouth*

(Destiny) *heart breaks and sheds a tear* daughter please don't... *wings cover Luna* just don't....

(Luna) *hugs Destiny and wipes away her tear* i'm so sorry mother.... i didn't think-

(Destiny) you don't need to be sorry Lunar.... i must go now... to Notch....

(Luna) mom NO! *holds on to her leg* YOUR NOT GOING WITHOUT ME!

(Destiny) daughter it's too dange-

(Luna) NOTHING IS TOO DANGEROUS FOR ME TO HANDLE! *eyes start to faintly glow*

(Destiny) fine then let's go... *flys out of window and to Notch's Kingdom*

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