Unexpected Visitors: chapter 1

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All of the bats had been lounging around the mansion all day having finally had a day off. Bruce Wayne and his new girlfriend, Selina Kyle were talking with the butler Alfred Pennyworth in the kitchen.

Dick Grayson, the eldest son at 25, along with his girlfriend were relaxing in his room watching Disney movies.
The second oldest, 23 year old Jason Todd, was swimming with his 22 year old younger brother Tim Drake, along with their two girlfriends, Stephanie Brown and Cassandra Cain.
And finally the youngest, 19 year old Damian Wayne and his girlfriend, Raven or Rachel Roth, had gone out to the mall and other places along with Damian's twin , Daniah and her boyfriend John Ken who was a year older.

The family had been working all week trying to put villains away in jail, and keep the ones already in jail there. So today, they weren't going to worry about anything at all.

Dick and Barabra walked out into the back of the manor to see Jason and Tim cannonballing into the pool while the two girls were sitting on the side of it. "I see you guys are being productive." Barbara said as she sat besides the girls. "We've been working to catch villains all week, I need this break! And besides, when's the last time Bruce took a vacation?" Stephanie motioned to the kitchen window where they could see the 'adults' talking.

"Let's see when did the boys get here?" "Haha very funny Babs" Jason cut in, "Without us Bruce would be lost, he should be thanking us angels."

They all started laughing which had lasted a few moments before hearing "Is that so. Well since your 'angels' you wouldn't mind cleaning the batmobile, huh?"

They turned their heads and saw Bruce and Selina sitting at one of the outdoor tables. Jason just swam under the water trying to avoid any more questions. "Oh lighten up Bruce. They're right after all, whatever would you have done without them." Selina asked, throwing on a pair of sunglasses as the rest of the group laughed.

They all continued joking and talking like that until they could see the sun starting to go down. "Master Bruce I do believe it's time to head in before it gets dark. Even though i'm sure you are accustomed to the darkness by now." Alfred stated, "And I've spoken to Master Damian, Daniah, Jonathan, and Ms. Roth, they are heading back soon."

The few inside the water started to climb out and dry themselves off as the rest of them began to walk inside. As soon as they walked inside the house though, they heard a loud crash coming from the living room.

They all ran to the area and were greeted by a bright light and strange noises. They got into fighting positions ready for what or whoever was going to appear. After a few moments the light disappeared and all that was left were 10 people standing in the center of the room, also ready to attack.

"Who the hell are you?" the girl with brown hair and blue eyes yelled. "Who the hell are we? Who the hell are you guys?!" Jason yelled back. "What are you doing in our house?" Dick asked the strangers. "Your house? What are you people talking about." Everybody gave each other confused looks until they continued, "This is our house, it belongs to our grandfather. Bruce Wayne..."

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