Significant Others-ish: Chapter 5

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An 18 year old boy with black hair and brown eyes walked through the door, as Damian glared at him, hoping to have heat vision for just once. Arella ran to the door hugging Mason and he spun around causing her to laugh.

She grabbed his hand and led him into the living room and everybody sat back down. Jason and Stephanie were sitting next to each other with J.J sitting in front of his mom with Kass by his side, with Tim on the other side of Jason, Cassandra sitting on the floor in front of him, Jackson and Andrew on either side of her. Jackson and Kass talking amongst themselves.
Dick and Barbra were sitting on the long couch facing the back wall.

His arm was thrown around her and John was sitting on the floor in front of them.
Bruce and Selina were sitting at the opposite end of the couch and Helena leaning on the arm rest. On the final couch was Mason, Arella, Thomas, Martha, and that order.

Damian and Raven were seated on the two person chair, Daniah was sitting at the end of the couch closest to her brother, Jonathan right beside her.

Damian was glaring at Mason the entire time, not letting him out of his sight. "Guys this is Mason. Do not scare him off." Arella said, looking in her fathers direction. "Nice to meet you, you can leave now." Thomas said turning to Mason.

Mason smirked back at him and him and said "I would but then your dad wouldn't get to glare at me all day." Damian quickly stood up only to be pulled back by Raven. He sat back down and smiled at Arella, "I don't like your boyfriend and I might kill him."

Bruce hit the back of Damian's head as he walked past him to the other side of the room. "That's too bad cause I really care." Mason shot back sarcastically. Arella hit the back of his head mimicking her grandfather. Damian shot up once again and this time Mason followed standing up also.

Luckily before anything could happen, the doorbell rang. "Oh thank goodness. I'll get it." J.J said standing up and running to the door. When he opened it everybody inside turned and saw Irey West. Daughter of Wally West and Artemis Crock. John stood up and ran over to the door before his cousin could say anything too stupid.

John took Irey's hand and brought her throughout the living room as she said a quick "hi" before he dragged her off to the kitchen.
Inside the kitchen John and Irey were talking about what happened at the mall before they had to leave. "Sorry about that by the way. Mason showed up and Thomas started freaking out." Irey grabbed his hand and said, "Yea I noticed. He seemed extra jittery." "Yea but i'm really sorry that I just left like that without any heads up. Are we okay." Irey stepped forward and hugged the taller boy.

"Hey it's okay I knew you had to take care of your family. We're okay." As they hugged John's uncle walked into the kitchen, and the 2nd robin was being overdramatic, "Oh hell no. You two cannot be this close." Everybody else ran into the kitchen at different moments to see the two hugging with annoyed expressions on their faces. "Oh grow up Jay. You and Steph used to-" Tim was cut off by Cassandra saying, "Okay let's not traumatize their children more." Before anybody could say anything else, the doorbell rang yet again.

Alfred walked to the front door and opened it revealing Will Harper, son of Roy Harper and Jade West. The other person walking through the door was Korin, daughter of Kor'i (starfire) and another Tameranean she met on a visit to her home planet.

Everyone walked into the living room and sat in their original seats, with Irey next to John. Will walked over to sit next to Kass and she leaned her head on his shoulder. Jason moved his daughters head off the boy's shoulder and sat in between them smiling. "Well isn't this fun. Don't forget your dads my best friend." He added.

Will awkwardly smiled and leaned back against the couch. J.J sat down by Korin's feet as she played with his hair. Stephanie had to hold back her comments against her son's girlfriend. "So, why are you two dating?" Jason asked, turning his head to see both his daughter and her boyfriend. "Well like you said, you and Uncle Roy grew up together so we saw each other a lot, and we kind of just started getting close. Now we're dating." Kass said, annoyed. "Just know, if you hurt her, you have about a hundred people ready to kill you." Cassandra said. "Same goes for you 2." Dick said, turning to Mason and Will. They both also laughed awkwardly and uncomfortable.

After a few seconds, that felt like a lifetime, the doorbell rang again. Alfred walked to the door and opened it for A.J, Rev, and Sarah. A.J Mallory, the son of Andrew Mallory, also known as Scorn. Rev Kent, the son of Conner Kent and Meg'ann Mor'z. Sarah Queen, daughter of Dinah Lance and Oliver Queen. Martha stood up and looked over at A.J smiling, Jonathan seeing this walked over to the 20 year old and took him into the dining room. Martha started to get worried wondering what her father would say to A.J.

In the kitchen Jonathan stood leaning against the doorway while A.J sat uncomfortably in the chair in front of him. "Look Mr.Kent, I know that my father was a villain but I'm not.

I have lived with my mother my entire life and have only seen my dad on 5 or so occasions. I really like, and care about Martha, and I'm never going to hurt her." Jonathan looked at him for a few moments before finally starting to talk, "I know you are, because if you don't I will fly you to Mars and leave you there."

And that was all he said before exiting the dining room. They walked back into the living room and before A.J had the chance to walk over to Martha, Jonathan pulled him to sit next to him. Martha rolled her eyes and moved over to sit by her father and boyfriend. M.J sat by Rev and put her leg over his lap as they talked.

Dick quickly stood up at the sight of this, only to be walked outside by Barbara. "Did you see what was happening! They were close-too close. Babs stay here I'm gonna go get my taser." "Hey no, your not going to tase Rev. He's one of your best friends son's, come on he's basically a mini Connor."

Dick sighed, "I know that's the point of this, I lived with Conner and M'gann." Barbra cut him off. " Hey okay I don't like it either, but you can't just go around tazing your friends kids, or ANY kids for that matter. Okay i'm sure your brothers haven't stopped staring at them since we walked out of the door. We're going to go back in there and i'm not going to stop you from being, well you. But don't hurt the kid okay?"

He nodded and they walked back inside. Sure enough Jason, Tim, Damian, Bruce, and John were all watching M.J and Rev, they didn't mind tho as the kept talking. Sarah was sitting by Thomas and they were scrolling through instagram on their phones.

"Wow, so Thomas is allowed to have a girlfriend and nobody says anything, but as soon as you see Mason you try to kill him?" Arella said looking at her father. "Oh calm down, it's just because I'm the favorite. We both know it's true." Thomas shot back. "Oh yea totally because the favorite steals dad's motorcycle then crashes it."

Thomas jumped out of his seat running towards Arella, who had already gone the other way. "You brat that was a secret." Thomas yelled at her as they ran through the mansion. Damian sighed annoyed and got up to stop them just as the doorbell rang once again.

Alfred walked over and opened the door, Miah, Jessica, Irey all walked in. Miah Logan-daughter of Garfield Logan and Terra Markov. Jessica James, Andrew met her while working at a coffee shop. He still hasn't met her parents. Irey West- daughter of Wally West and Artemis Crock. The 3 girls walked into the living room and sat next to Jackson, Andrew and John. Irey sat next to John and kissed his cheek then started talking to M.J.

"Hey Irey, how's your parents?" Dick asked, looking at his BFF's (Wally's) daughter. "Their good, dad says he misses you tho and mom said you owe her 20$." Everybody laughed at this. Jackson grabbed Miah's hand and they walked over and sat on the staircase. "So?! Did you get into Gotham University? I've been dying to as, you all day." Jackson asked his girlfriend of 2 years.

"Well," Miah started looking sad, Jackson looked down at the floor, "I got in!" She said, His eyes shot up and he hugged her, "Yes! We're going to the same college, this is amazing." They sat there for a few more minutes smiling and hugging. Back in the living room, Jessica asked Andrew if there was somewhere they could talk, so he took her hand and they walked outside.

They sat on the steps and Jessica looked a bit nervous, which worried Andrew. "Okay before you start I have to ask, you're not going to break up with me are you?" "WHAT? NO! I was just going to tell you that, m-my parents want to meet you." "Oh, okay that's great." They smiled and walked back inside but this time saw John and Irey sitting on the steps. "J, we gotta talk." Irey looked down before continuing, "So look, uh we're gonna be," she stopped talking and looked down. "Parents?" John asked, lifting her head. She was shocked.

"H-how did you know?" "I heard you talking to Miah at the mall. It's okay though, i'm going to be there for you. Whatever you need, I promise." She smiled at him and wrapped her arms around his neck bringing him into a hug. John was crazy excited.

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