Time Changer Thingy: Chapter 6

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Just as everybody was starting to get comfortable, a loud alarm started blaring on Bruce's phone. He looked at all the adults and they knew what he meant. 'They had to suit up.' "There is something wrong at Wayne Tech and I have to go check it out. Feel free to stay and talk and we will be back soon." Bruce said to the kids as the rest of them ran to the Batcave on the other side of the mansion. "We'll be back soon and have fun." Stephanie started, "NOT TOO MUCH FUN." Jason yelled back. All of the Wayne grandchildren knew where their parents were running off to but their girlfriends and boyfriends were left clueless. "We have to help." J.J said as he stood up. "No way didn't you hear them, just stay put J.J!" Helena said, turning on the T.V to the news station.

Breaking News: Wayne Tech  was broken into and the new Time Manipulator has been stolen. The thief is currently trapped inside the building. Batman, NightWing, Red Hood, Red Robin, Spoiler, Batgirl, Catwoman, Raven, and Robin are on scene.

"You see they have it under control." Helena added. "M.J, you're the decision maker what do you say?" Andrew asked, "John grab the car keys, you're with J.J,Martha, and Thomas. Jackson and Andrew with me we'll take the motorcycles. Kass and Arella stay here with Helena." She said standing up. Everybody ran to their vehicles. As soon as the older cousins were out of sight, Arella, Kass, and Helena all shared a look before running to another car in the garage.

All that was left were the boyfriends and girlfriends of each person. "Okay, is it just me or do you guys want to go to." Rev asked looking around the room, there was a flash of light before Irey stood in the middle of the group saying, "Hey why not, I got the keys." And with that they all took off after the Wayne grandchildren.

A few minutes later everybody arrived at Wayne industries and they all ran inside. "Okay Jackson, Rev, Thomas, and Andrew, make sure everybody on the first through tenth floors is safe, then head up to the top floor. That's where the criminal is waiting. Kass, Korin, Arella, John, Will, and Miah. You guys try to find the computer room and shut down all the exits in the building, we need to trap the villain then gra-Batman them can stop him. J.J Martha, Sarah, Irey, A.J, and Mason. You guys head down to the tech lab and make sure nothing else was stolen and check on the prototype, make sure nothing happens to it. Helena, you and I are going straight to the top of the building to try to help the heroes however we can." M.J gave everybody their instructions and the groups split up to do what they were assigned. As soon as the teens were down in the tech lab they searched everywhere for the prototype Time Manipulator. This item was supposed to be used in hospitals to try and help coma patients who were unresponsive for long amounts of time, such as months. They looked everywhere but they couldn't find anything. "Where is the prototype?!" Martha yelled out of frustration. "Martha look," J.J started holding a broken glass case. "This is what they were holding the prototype in. Whoever is up there must have both machines." Mason cut in, "Wait what can they do with both?" He asked, everybody started to get worried looks on their faces. "We need to stop Helena and M.J quick!" And with that they ran off.

The group assigned with getting all of the people off the floor were already half complete with their job. As Andrew was helping a man out the door the man stopped and looked over at Jackson, "You have to stop that man. He took the prototype, if he combines the two then we won't be able to stop him. You have to tell Batman before it's too late." By now everybody was out of the building and Rev was already on his way up to the top. He superspeed trying to get to M.J before anything could happen.  The final team ran to the sub level where the computer room was. Arella and John rushed to the main computers and started getting to work trying to lock down all of the exits and turn on the emergency lights.     A few moments after- the lights all shut off and started blaring red signals, this meant that the emergency lights were turned on and all the exits had been locked. By now everybody was running up to the top floor.

As soon as the teenagers reached the top floor they saw the masked vigilantes fighting a man in all black and a red long sword draped across his back. Batman threw a batarang the villains way which he dodged only to be kicked in the stomach by Knightwing. Red Hood punched the villain before sweeping his leg out, sending the man to the floor.  Raven walked over to the time manipulator and picked it up ready to put it away, however she was stopped by the man speaking. "Well you 'heros' aren't very efficient. Do you even know what you could've done with two of those things? NO! Because you're all too afraid to find out-but I'm not." He quickly kicked Batgirl who was behind him, sending her flying into Robin. His hands suddenly uncuffed threw the other time manipulator next to the other. The two items started flashing red lights then shaking uncontrollably. All the hero's ran back over to the villain not seeing their children in the way of the 2 machines. Suddenly a giant portal opened in the floor beneath them, sucking items through including all of the teenagers there. The 'adults' looked over and ran over screaming in fear as the portal closed, taking all their children with it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2021 ⏰

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