Future Disagreements: chapter 4

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25 years in the future:
"This is nice just sitting down." Barbara said as she laid her head on her husband Dick's shoulder. "Yea it is we haven't really all been together in a while." Tim started, "But, it is a bit quiet, where are all the kids?"

"Huh, you're right, I haven't heard anything break in a while." Jason added playing with Steph's hair, who was sitting on his lap. "Alright, I'll go check on them" Selina said walking out of the room, heading upstairs.

When she got to the second floor she looked around but didn't see anybody so she went to the other side of the mansion. Again she didn't hear a word.

Selina started getting worried, they were never this quiet, and they didn't know about the families secret lives so what could have happened. What if an enemy had gotten their hands on them. Selina ran down the stairs with a panicked look on her face which alarmed the others.

They quickly got out of their seats and started searching for the missing children. Running around shouting names there were 8 or so adults (excluding Jason), Damian ran down to the Bat Cave as Raven teleported herself there.

Once they ran down the stairs they saw all the children looking around the room shocked and amazed at the same time. "D-Dad what is all this?" Thomas asked. After a few seconds the rest of the adults (and Jason) ran into the room as well.

They looked over at their children who were surprised that their parents, as well as grandparents, uncles, and aunts were 'crime fighters'. "What is all this." Arella said in a more serious tone, tears in her eyes. "This," Bruce started, " Is the Bat Cave, the headquarters where we learned to fight, train, and where we store the items too dangerous for anywhere else." J.J's eyes filled with tears, however Kass's couldn't hold them in.

Their whole lives these kids had been lied to, and in a few minutes that all changed. "So, you've been lying to all of us for our entire lives. You kept secrets and let us think you cared-" J.J was cut off.

"We DO care. We were trying to protect you guys by not telling you. How did you even find out?" Dick started, "We thought you guys were at the mall. Why did you come home so early?" "Well we were having a great time at the mall until Mason decided to show up." Thomas said, which turned Damian to anger.

"Why was "Mason" at the mall?" He asked sternly, turning to Arella. "First of all, why are you putting air quotes around Mason? It's his name. And secondly Is that really the biggest issue right now? You guys are freaking superheroes."

"Yes I think it is an issue that your dumb boyfriend, "ran into you" at the mall." "He's not dumb, and it doesn't matter because that is one secret, while you guys have been hiding millions." "Maybe you should invite him over. We could all 'talk' with him."

Jason said smirking to Tim who added, "Yea that's a great idea, this way your dad can see that he's not that bad." "Calm down, i'm sure he's a good kid. Plus he's coming over so we can all get to know him better."

Dick said putting an arm around his youngest brother, "Besides it will give all of us a chance to explain what's going on right now." Cassandra said joining the conversation. "Fine. But if Mason is coming over, then A.J, Will, and Rev are coming over too." M.J elbowed her younger cousin's ribs. "Why is Rev coming over?" Dick asked, suspicious of why his 2 friends, Connor and Megan's son, was coming over.

"M.J! You didn't tell them? You said you would!" John exclaimed to his younger sister. "Tell us what?" Barbara jumped in, "Okay, Dad don't freak out," M.J started, "I'm dating Rev."

Nobody had ever seen Richard Grayson turn so red and pale at the same time. "WHAT! What do you mean YOU are DATING?!" Dick yelled, outraged. "Calm down, i'm sure he's a good kid. Plus he's coming over so we can all get to know him better."

Damian said mimicking his brother's previous words with a slight smirk on his face. "Okay how about we all head upstairs and wait for the rest of the kids to arrive, and we all will answer any questions you have about our secret lives." Selina proposed.

They all agreed and walked upstairs into the living room and sat in groups around the huge area, as the girls AND boys texted their significant(ish) others to meet at the manor.

"So do you guys have any questions?" The Batman himself Bruce Wayne asked. "Who are each of you? Or who are your alter ego people?" Jackson asked. "I am Batman, Selina is Catwoman, Dick is Nightwing, Barbara is Batgirl and used to be Oracle, Jason is Red Hood, Stephanie is the second Batigirl, Tim is Red Robin, Cassandra is Orphan, Damian is Robin, Raven is well Raven, Daniah is Sparrow, and Jonathan, is Superboy."

The parents of each child had to look their kids in the eyes as they heard who their alter egos were.

"Wow. Grandad not to be a jerk or anything, but you're old." J.J said acting like his father. Jason laughed as well as the rest of the brothers and Bruce gave them the famous batglare. "So..." John started, "Can I drive the batmobile?" "Hey no way, I'm driving it first." M.J cut him off with. "None of you are driving the batmobile after the 'tree' incident."

Barbra jumped in referring to last month when the older teens went for a drive and ended up crashing into a tree in the center of Gotham. After a few minutes of talking and different kids asking what gadgets they could or could not use, the doorbell rang and Alfred walked over to open it. "Well I wonder who came over first."

Stephaie said as everybody stood up ready to see their first guest. "Remember, not a word about any of this to anybody." Bruce added before Alfred opened the door.

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