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Jacob woke up to the smell of chicken noodle soup and a throbbing ache in his arm and hand. He tries to sit up only to feel a sharp pain run through his side.

"Oh, you're awake." He hears from somewhere beside him.

He looks over to see the doctor holding a bowl with a towel under it.

"The person you were on the phone with said to call them." The doctor gives him a quick look over before grabbing his phone and handing it to him. Jacob takes it and scrolls through his recent contacts. His heart drops. 

"I told her you were fine. I mean, you broke your arm and hand maybe a bruised rib or two, but you aren't dead." The doctor rambles off to him, and for once, Jacob realizes how odd he is. Does he act this weird all of the time?

Jacob hits Leah's number and waits patiently. She answers on the second ring. 

"Hey." He grunts into the phone.

"You're a fucking idiot." Is what he gets in return. He realizes it's Quil.

He looks down at his phone to see that it's eight o'clock in the morning.

"Love you, too." He mumbles, trying to see if he can scratch through the makeshift cast that the doctor had put on his arm.

"Not gonna lie, the only reason I answered was to hear the voice of this supposed doctor." Jacob froze where he was sitting. Quil had this mischievous lilt to his voice. He didn't understand what it was implying.

"Oh, really. What if I was dead?" 

"Leah said the good doctor said you were fine." Quil hums out. "Anyway, when are you leaving your boyfriend's house? Storm's over."

Suddenly, everything about this conversation made more sense.

Jacob glances over to see that the doctor had left the soup on the table and was now nowhere to be seen.

"Give me twenty."

Jacob doesn't know the good doctor's address. He was tempted to call Mike, but he didn't think "big mansion" was enough of a description to get the man over here. He ate a bit of the soup, more to be nice than anything, and then slowly and painfully made his way off of the couch. 

He knows he should give the man a thank you in person, but he just wants to get home without any banter and lay down in his own bed. So, he instead hobbles out of the house and plans to instead thank him when his head was on straight. He hobbled out to the street and got the address off of the mailbox before calling for Mike.

Mike was full of questions. Jacob just lets him ramble and gives him a rough "thanks" before slowly maneuvering out of the car and up to his house. When he finally makes it inside he just stands with the door holding him up.

"You really aren't dead; look at that." Seth teases from somewhere. He's not sure considering he has his eyes clamped shut.

"Help him up the stairs." Leah ordered.

Seth came over, grabbing for his good arm and throwing it over his shoulder. He brings his arm around to grab his waist and Jacob's eyes finally fly open as lets out a really loud grunt.

Seth looks startled but doesn't fully let go of him as Jacob doubles over.

"Okay, so I'm going to have to princess carry you." 

Jacob wants to punch him as he easily lifts him from the floor. Too bad, he's in so much pain that he's broken out in a sweat and can barely focus. 

He can feel other people watching but his eyes are closed as Seth slowly makes his way up the stairs.

He can hear a second set of footsteps behind Seth's and he doesn't even have to open his eyes to know that they belong to Leah. 

The Carver Café [Edward/Jacob]Where stories live. Discover now