a/n: whatevs.
Jacob stays with Quil. He doesn't have to come up with much of an excuse to get Edward to leave them be. Quil still rambles out something about pregnancy and contact and he's ducking out of the room before he can even finish his sentence. Jacob just needs some space. He just needs some time to think. So, he pulls himself up onto Quil's bed and lays next to him.
"What's up?" Quil mumbles after a stretch of silence.
What's up? Jacob blinks a couple of times, blinking away whatever tears are determined to make an appearance.
"Uh, I just...it's a lot," Is all he manages, because what more is there to say?
How does he explain that he's hearing — he thinks he's hearing Edward inside of his head without sounding like he's lost his mind?
It doesn't sound too odd, two werewolves hearing one another even when they're in human form. Odd mutations happen all of the time that allow for strange anomalies such as being able to hear a partner in both forms. Issue is, Edward's not a wolf. He doesn't have the same genetic makeup. He doesn't have the ability to have such a mutation. So, how the hell is he inside of Jacob's head?
"You get used to the more intense senses after a while..." Quil says, adjusting Ember's too-big onesie, "it's like the first time you shift, y'know, 's just gonna take some getting used to."
Jacob makes the mistake of glancing up to see Quil watching him with that look that usually comes before Jacob gets a concerned lecture. He doesn't let up, watching him even as he turns his head away.
He lets out sigh and lowers his eyes to his lap.
"How do you get used to Em being inside of your head?" He finally says, feeling ridiculous even asking.
"Who being inside of your head?" Quil asks, and he can hear the alarmed tone in his voice, can see the fear in his eyes.
It's basically all he needs to hear to know that this isn't normal.
"You can't hear Embry's thoughts?"
Quil blinks a couple of times, adjusts Ember in his arms like some kind of nervous tick, before glancing around the room like the pack couldn't hear them if they really wanted to.
"Only when we shift...Can you hear Edward?" It feels as if they're discussing some kind of conspiracy theory.
It only serves to make him feel more insane. He didn't have a lot to go off of when it came to bonded mates in his pack. So, maybe he was overreacting, but how would he know?
Their little chat is interrupted by a quiet knock on the door before Emmett pops his head in, nervous smile in place.
"Uh, Eddy told me to bring you this..." he says holding up a tupperware bowl with a look that reminds Jacob of Edward when he's heard something he wasn't supposed to.
He walks over like he's expecting to be punched in the face at any moment.
"Thanks." Jacob mutters, taking the bowl and putting it on the nightstand.
He's expecting Emmett to scurry off, but instead he ends up staring at the lumbering man, who stares back down at him with that guilty look firmly in place. He lets out a little nervous laugh, glances towards the door, takes a step back, points at it with another anxious chuckle before turning to look at it. He stares at it for a moment before letting out a sigh, shoulders sagging, before he slowly turns back to look at Jacob.
"I tell you this, you promise me you won't tell him you heard it from me?" Emmett pleads, eyes squinting as if he's remembering something particularly harrowing.

The Carver Café [Edward/Jacob]
Mistério / SuspenseEdward finds Jacob at the Carver Cafe.