Jacob spends the next day in bed. He wakes up, stretches, and turns over to pull a pillow to his chest only to feel a dull ache permeating from that particular region. He muffles the sound that almost slips past his lips, suddenly very much aware that the body next to him had too much heat radiating off of it to be Edward's. He peels his eyes open to find himself face-to-stomach with Quil, who's reading a mystery novel this time.
"He's downstairs helping Embry and Seth set up the security system." He informs Jacob without taking his eyes off of whatever was happening on page 209.
He flips the page before glancing down at Jacob.
"And the nipple pain is normal." Then, he's back to reading.
Edward's got a dumb "plan" formulating itself in the deep recesses of his mind. He can feel the thought just bobbling around even as stares at the monitor he'd put up for the security system. Jacob would be pissed at him for it, but if it worked, it would alleviate some of the tension and anxiety that comes with having a serial killer with fangs hunting your family. Edward couldn't risk James getting his hands on Jacob. Bean wasn't big enough to even survive too much stress let alone any type of actual duress that James was planning to inflict.
Though, there was no doubt that James needed to die, and the best way to do that was to lead an "able-bodied" cop right to him and let him take care of it. Only issue is that the only two he knows are currently out of commission. Jacob's got a grape-sized Bean growing inside of him and Uley's in hiding. So, that leaves the less full-proof option of setting him up with a bunch of civilians that want the man's head on a platter. As far as Edward knew, James didn't have any kind of connections with the Volturi, and while Edward wasn't exactly abiding by the rules himself, James' actions were getting so abhorrent that human cops might realize that the man isn't human soon. That would be really bad. They wouldn't like that. All Edward had to do was send out a tip and keep his little family in hiding.
The plan seemed like a solid idea until he remembered the fact that the man had such an obsession with Bella, that he'd stalked Edward for who knows how long with just the hopes of getting information. He wasn't sure how much he knew. How much was he willing to divulge with the hopes of slipping out of trouble?
He allows the plan to tumble around in his skull as he comes up with a code to turn the system on and off.
If the tip didn't come from Edward, would it find its way back to him?
Jacob's curled up in a ball when he makes it upstairs. He looks like he's barely moved since this morning. Edward assumes all of the excitement from the previous day had tired him out. Edward slides into bed behind him and sits quietly for about a minute before he's got his messages pulled up. He taps out his plan to Jasper first. He'd either iron out the kinks or tell Edward it was a horrible plan that he should've kept in the drafts.
He sits for a good five minutes just messing with Jacob's hair that's about shoulder length at this point and fanned out across the nape of his neck. Edward's sure he hadn't grown it out on purpose, but it makes him look softer, sweeter. It's quite the contrast from the man who was all sharp, dismissive looks that told him he was some kind of freak when they'd first met.
From: Jasper
It'd be best if you find out what he knows first.
If he doesn't know about Jacob or the baby, it's a go.How the hell was he going to find that out without getting anywhere near him? He couldn't do it directly. He couldn't chance James knowing that any of them had anything to do with it. He'd had to be a discreet as possible.

The Carver Café [Edward/Jacob]
Mystère / ThrillerEdward finds Jacob at the Carver Cafe.