Chapter 1

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WELCOME EVERYONE! I don't know how good this book will be but... I am trying. I wanna start somethin NEW!


"I'm leaving Sonj! You need anything from the store?" I yell to Sonja, sprawled out on the couch. A pile of used tissue sits on the ground, an empty bowl of Ramen Noodles on the coffee table, and Netflix on the T.V. She is underneath 3 blankets, leaving only her arm hanging limply over the side of the couch. "More noodles. And tissue" she manages to squeak out in between coughs. Thank goodness Boo is with her dad this weekend, or else EVERYONE would have the flu. I throw my Twitch jacket on, and slip on some boots, before stepping outside into the chilly air. "REMEMBER THE RAMEN" I hear Sonja scream (at least as loud as she could scream) before closing the door, leaving me smiling the entire ride to Walmart.

I throw the last box of Ramen into the basket sitting on my arm, and begin walking to checkout as I check off items in my head.

Tissues: Check, 2 boxes

Ramen: Check, 5 bags

Cereal: Check, Frosted Flakes for Boo and Captain Crunch for Sonj and me

An SD card for my camera: Check

I don't even get to continue before someone pushes me into a clothing rack, causing me to bang my head on a bar and slam my head again on the floor. My vision goes blurry. "Dude, what was the point of that?" someone asks angrily. Probably the guy standing behind me in line. I lay in a ball on the floor, my head throbbing so hard I can hear it. "SOMEONE HELP OVER HERE!" the same person yells again. I can't see him, in fact I can't see anything. I am definitely not ok. I feel my body being lifted, and that's all I remember before I black out.

I know, short chapter, but I wanted to start this story and update the other one and SO MANY THINGS BRUH. But, thank you for reading! I know it isn't the best beginning in the world, but it'll get better! I hope :p

Have a super fantastic day!



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