Chapter 32

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SONJA'S POV *oooooooo you weren't guessing that were ya*

AND ANOTHER THING- CURSING IN THIS CHAPTER (idk if you guys even care lol you rebels)

I wake up to really bad cramps in my stomach. Tucker's still sleeping, and it's 9 am. I pass them off as regular pregnancy pains, and get up. The pain keeps goings, but I manage to get dressed anyways, into a tank top that's big enough to stretch over my belly and some capris.

The pain gets a whole lot worse as I walk down the stairs, but I try to take it like a man. It'll stop in a second. It'll stop in a second.

It didn't stop in a second. By the time I make it to the living room where Erin, Jordan, and Tom are watching TV, the pain starts getting almost unbearable.

"I think I'm having the baby.." I manage to squeak out. Erin jumps up from the couch immediately, and runs to my side.

"Is Tucker still asleep? And where's your bag?"

"Tucker's- ahhhHHH- still asleep and my bags in the- OWWWWWW- closet"

"Jordan, call the doctor and tell him we're about to leave, Tom, go wake up Tucker and get Sonja's bag"

The boys seem to take their precious time getting up, which kind of aggravates me.

"THERE'S A BABY COMING OUT OF ME, CAN YOU HURRY THE FUCK UP" I scream. They both go wide eyed, and sprint in different directions.

Erin helps me walk outside to the car, and lets me lay down in the backseat.

"Breathe Sonja, they'll be out any second"

"Breathing doesn't help anything"

"It relaxes you"

"That's a lie, I'm breathing right now and nothing is happening"

"Because you're talking and not relaxing"

"You just said breathing would relax me"

"It would if you weren't talking"

"But you said-"

She puts her hand over my mouth before I can finish. "Stop talking. And breathe"

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I scream, reaching the unbearable level of pain. Erin immediately moves her hand away in fear.

Finally, the boys come out, sprinting. Tucker especially. I've never seen him run so fast. I've never seen him run period.

Tucker and Tom ride in the car I'm in, while Erin and Jordan ride separately.

The pain becomes so bad that I drift out of reality for a second, and the pain kind of stops. All I can hear is the stupid music Tucker had playing the last time he drove, and Tom vlogging for me using my camera.

But it doesn't last long. When my mind comes back, so does the pain, this time worse. I keep screaming, and Tom keeps filming, until eventually we arrive at the ER.

Tucker picks me up and carries me inside (who knows how), and signs me in. To take the pain away I think about the baby. We didn't want to know the gender, so everything is gonna be a surprise to me. I keep thinking as they put me into a wheelchair and begin to wheel me down a hallway. I can hear Erin yelling at them to let her come with me, but I guess they don't let her, because I never hear her voice again.

When we get into the room and I get into bed, my thoughts kind of stop, and all of the pain comes back. Tucker's standing beside me holding my hand, and the doctors are gathering in front of me. They keep asking me questions, but it hurts so bad that I can't talk, so Tucker answers them for me.

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