Chapter two

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Kirishima point of veiw ~ it was currently lunchtime the morning has currently been a pain seeing as the entire school was in a rucks about Midiorya joining the school.

I was currently on the school roof alone because Kami got lunch detention while Shin had to stay back for a test. So I was up here alone.

I had my headphones and was writing lyrics in my notebook. This was my happy space. I'm afraid of singing in front of people so I'm not in the music department for singing. I'm in it for song writing and producing. I mostly write lyrics for my two best friends and produce their songs.

They are the only two who have heard me sing. They think that I am good but I don't believe it. I was constantly told by my stepfamily that I was never good at singing so I believed them over time.

I'll follow my dreams
You'd think they were nightmares
The way they scream
I'll make them believe
I'm gonna be the next big thing

I smiled but I didn't realize I sung out the lyrics. But it was a good thing that no one heard my terrible singing. I sighed then the door opened making me look in front of me to see Midoirya-Kun. I really hope he didn't here me singing.

"Hi Kiri-Kun"He said brightly shutting the door behind him and sitting in front of me "Hi Midoirya-Kun"I said "don't call me something so formal we are friends now aren't we"He asked "yeah I guess. Can I call you Izu-Kun then"I asked "yeah so what are you doing up here"He asked

"I usually hangout up here with my two best friends but one has detention and the other had to stay back for a test"I said "oh okay"He said "so what are you doing here I thought that everyone would be jumping at the chance to sit at lunch with the Deku"I said teasingly

"I was running from the entire school population. I managed to lose them and found the door to roof and came up here"He said "okay did you hear anything before you opened the door"I asked worriedly and he acted confused "no I didn't why was I supposed to"he asked confused

"No not really"I said and he nodded and took out his lunch and I did the same and we are in silence when we were done we put our things away "since we are friends now why don't we get to know each other"he said

"I'm pretty plain but okay"I said "I highly doubt so let's play five questions"He said "okay"I said "what's your favorite color"he asked "red and black what about you"I said "green and black"he said

"What is your favorite holiday"I asked "Christmas what about you"he asked "Christmas as well"I said "what is your favorite activity to do"he asked "I don't really know maybe making music. What about you"he said

"Hanging out with my friends or performing"He said "what is one thing you wish you could do"I asked "Hmm that's hard one of my top five which is number three would be to be in a band and not be the lead singer"He said

"Why don't you want to be the lead singer"I asked "because as much as I love singing I would love someone to have the spotlight. Like in my dream band we would all take turns to sing songs. And as much as I love singing I prefer playing my guitar"he explains

"Oh wow that actually sounds amazing"I said "thanks. So what about you what's one thing do you wish you could do"he asked "get over my fears"I said "what are those fears"he asked "there's a lot"I said "then can you give me two please"he asked "singing and getting my heart broken"I said

"Singing"he asked confused "yeah growing up I've always been told that I was terrible but by my two best friends who think I am amazing at singing but I don't believe my friends though"I said "I won't believe that you are bad at singing until I hear for myself but only when your ready"He said with a bright smile. I don't know why but that made me feel good inside.

End of chapter

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