Chapter seven

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Kirishima point of veiw~ It was finally Monday. So I wasn't caught by my step family which was good because they didn't know it was me who performed. But performing was really fun. I was currently early to school like I always was. I decided to go to the music room.

I sat at the piano playing a song that I wrote. I didn't sing the lyrics though because I don't have a any. I loved playing the piano because I get so lost in the music that everything around me disappears. The piano and piano music makes me feel calm and relaxed. When I was done I felt arms draped around me and I turned around to see Izuku who was grinning at me. But there was a sadness in his eyes as well.

"Hello Kiri-Kun"he said "Hi Izu-Kun I'm sorry that I didn't attended your party I got caught up with work"I said "it's fine but you did miss this amazing singer though. He goes by the name red riot and he was amazing. And he felt really familiar but I can't quite put my finger on it though. He has these amazing and enchanting ruby red eyes and he had blue hair but was wearing a mask so I couldn't see his face. After he sang we danced for a while and we almost kiss but he had to leave"he explains

"Sounds like you had fun"i said "I did but I wish you could've been there"he said with a pout "I'm sorry but I can make it up to you"I said even though I was there but you don't need to know that RedRiot is actually me.

"How about we go out today for the entire day"he suggested "like skip school"I asked "yeah"he said "but I've never skipped school before in my snottiest life I don't want that to go on my permanent record or get in trouble"I said

"You won't don't worry I had my uncle excuse us for the day so you'll be fine"he said taking my hand and stuff as we walked out of the school "you thought of this whole thing didn't you"I said "Yup"he said

"What if I said no"I asked "I was gonna kidnap you for the day"he said with a proud grin making me laugh as we headed to the parking lot but before we could someone interrupted us "hey Kiri where are you going"I heard Denki ask making me turn to see my two best friends.

"Oh I'm hanging out with Izu-Kun for the day since he invited me"I said "oh wow you don't ditch school for your two best friends but you would ditch school for your celebrity boyfriend so unfair"Toshi said I blushed at the comment.

"He isn't my boyfriend"I said "yeah right"Kami said but before I could comment two people ran toward us. It was dynamite and Shoto "you Shitty ass need where the hell do you think you are going leaving us in this fucking hell glow alone you fucking dip shit" Dynamite said with a glare at Izuku. Such vulgar language.

"Do you not care if we get bombarded by a whole bunch of random people that we don't know. We could be mugged or harassed. Wouldn't you care at all. You know how crazy fan girls and fan boys could be"Shoto said also glaring at Izu.

Izu gave them a blank look "No frankly I don't. You'll survive your big boys after all"Izu-Kun said "where are you even going"Shoto asked "we are going on a date"Izu-Kun said "it's not a date we are just hanging out for the day now bye"I said red faced while dragging Izu-kun to his car which was a dark green and black Lamborghini which was near an orange and black Lamborghini. As well as a white and red Lamborghini.

"That's your car"I pointed to the green car "Yup the orange is Kacchans while the red one is Shochans"Izuku explains as we entered. The windows were completely tinted. We put our seat belts on and he started to drive.

"It's nice that you can drive you can go anywhere you want"I said "wait so your telling me that your seventeen and don't know how to drive. But don't your stepbrothers have cars"he asked "yeah but my stepdad never really got around to teaching me how to drive seeing as we don't have the best relationship. But it's fine I just mostly walk everywhere"I said

"Even in winter and when it rains"he asked "yeah but it's fine"I said "you know if you ever want to I can teach you how to drive"he said "you don't have to it's fine"I said "if you say so"he said

"So when's your birthday"I asked "July 15th"he said "oh so your turning eighteen in a few months"I said "yeah what about you"he asked "my birthday is October 16th I just turned 17 years old"I said

(A/N: October 16th is also my birthday)

He nodded afterwards before he could say anything he looked up in the mirror "I seriously hate those two sometimes. Hang on Kiri"He said with a sigh and the car started to speed up.

"Umm what's going on"I asked "my two idiot best friends decided to follow us. And knowing them it's going to be a car race so hang on"Izu said and the car speed he made a whole bunch of crazy turns with Dynamite and Shoto right behind us.

After an hour the car finally stopped "that was amazing. But I kinda wanted my first ride in a Lamborghini to be slower"I said with a pout "we will do it next time promise"he said making me nodded and we got out of the car.

I then saw my two best friends "your skipping school"I asked "theses psychos made us come"Toshi said as the two just shrugged "Oh by the way Blondie is Katsuki Bakugo and the half n half is Shoto Todoroki"Izu said

"So where are we"Kami asked "our families lake house. We used to spend summers here when we were younger seeing as our moms are sisters well adopted sisters"Todoroki-Kun answered

"Wow that's cool that your related"I said "not really I have three older siblings. Two boys and a girl. Izuku has a younger sister while Katsuki has twin younger siblings a girl and a boy. Since we are the only ones who are the same age we just naturally hung out together and became rivals"Todoroki-Kun said

"We always got into trouble but halfie and I got in trouble and never Deku even though he came up with the half of the plans that got us into trouble"Bakugo-Kun said "so why did you follow us"Izu-Kun asked "what's the point into going to school if your not going to be there plus your the only one that can keep us from blowing up the entire school out of annoyance or killing each other"Todoroki-Kun said

"Whatever let's go inside"Izu-Kun said taking my hand and dragging me up the stairs to a bedroom which had bags on the bed "what are the bags for"I asked confused "we are going swimming duh"he said "I came swim though"I said looking down and I felt his hand on my head "it's okay I'll teach you"He said making me look up and smile "okay"I said and he smiled back. I really might like him.

End of chapter

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