Chapter eleven

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Kaminari's point of veiw ~ It's been two weeks since Kirishima stopped being friends with us. And now Hitoshi and I are popular kids with the entire school is giving us their sympathy. I absolutely hate it seeing as Kirishima is being bullied way more now but he isn't letting that get to him.

I have a feeling that he is up something. But I also feel like it wasn't his intention to hurt us. I feel like Neito and Testutestu are behind why he did what he did. I just need away to prove it. But I don't know when I'm gonna have time seeing as the talent show is literally today.

It already started. I looked and saw the roster for the performances I was after neito and before Kirishima. I'm surprised he is actually performing in front a whole bunch of people. I was walking around and saw Kirishima talking to his stepfamily. I decided to leave them be.

I walked to the auditorium and saw my sister and her fiancé "hey Emma hey Keigo"I said "hey Kami"Keigo said "baby bro I know that you not on speaking terms with Kirishima right now but have you seen him"she asked worriedly

"I saw him talking with his stepfamily why"I said then asked confused as why they wanted to know where he was and why they were wide eyed "Shit we can't go look for him our break is almost over"Keigo said "Denki I'm gonna need you too please"Emma said

"Why what's going on"I asked "I don't know if I should tell you Kirishima wanted to tell you guys after he won the competition about why he did what he did. But he might be in trouble"Emma said worriedly "Just tell me"I said and they gave me the gist of what was going on. Shit I'm a terrible friend for not noticing before.

"Denks please find him he really needs this in order to apologize"Keigo said "okay I got you"I said and they nodded walking back to their positions. I ran out and went to look for Kiri but before I did I bumped into Hitoshi "where are you going your almost up"he asked confused "we need to look for Kiri now"I said "why"he asked confused and I gave him the gist of why my sister told me

"Okay got it lead the way"I said and lead him to the hallway where they were but it was empty. We had to look through all the classrooms "shit where could he be"I said frustrated "lets check the janitors closet"Hitoshi said and we did. We found Kirishima tired up. He looked surprised to see us.

We got him out the closet and untied him and gave him a hug "thank you guys so much"he said "Dude what's going on"I asked "my stepdad found my demo and made a voice modulator to make it sound like me so Neito is going to use it make Izuku think that he is RedRiot"Kiri explains "we are not about to let that happen"I said "yeah your gonna get your man and show the world who you truly are"Hitoshi said

"Thanks guys"he said about to cry "now is not the time for crying"I said and we ran to the auditorium and neito smirked as it was his turn "to late boys"he said and walked on the stage "fuck I'm late"Kiri said "no your not Hitoshi help him get the mics on I'm about to crash this song"I said with a smirk "what are you going to do"they boy asked "just sit and wait for my signal it will be Take a cat walk"I said this copycat us going down.

End of chapter

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