Chapter eight

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Kirishima point of veiw ~ Izu-Kun really kept his word. He spent the whole time teaching me how to swim and I really appreciated it.

I was always afraid of learning how to swim because when I was around six Neito and Tetsutetsu told me that if I went into the water I would sink like a rock afterwards they pushed me into the water and I drowned.

My mom ended up saving me in time so I didn't die. Neito and Testustetsu passed it off saying that I slipped in the water and they tried to catch me but they couldn't.

I was currently watching the other swim while I laid on a blanket watching them. I smiled watching my friends have fun. Izu-Kun came out of the water and picked up the towel next to me wiping his body with the towel and I couldn't help but watching the water drip down his abs.

He was really buff and had a eight pack. I don't have any abs my stomach was completely flat. I looked and saw that his entire arm had a tattoo and part of his rib cage as well. He was really hot and tall.

"How tall are you"I asked "Hmm 5'11"he said I'm only 5'7 same with Denki and Hitoshi "how tall are the other two"I asked "Kacchan is 5'11 as well while Shochan is 6'1. He's two inches taller then us as well as a few months older then us as well. The asshole likes to rub that fact in our faces"he said plopping down next to me and laying on his back.

"So how exactly do you know each other"I asked "I'm pretty sure that I mentioned that we are cousins but our moms are adopted at brith sisters and our fathers are childhood friends at birth. Our moms met our dads at brith and they have been together ever since. Sho's family has a total of four kids. Kat's family has a total of three. While mine has a total of two. I'm the oldest same with kat. kids. Sho however is the youngest"he explains

"So what are your parents names"I asked "my moms name is Inko Midiorya well now it's Inko Midiorya-Yagi. My father is Toshinori Yagi. So my full name is Izuku Midoirya-Yagi. But I just go by Izuku Midiorya. Katsuki's mom is named Mitsuki Bakugo former Midoirya. His dads name is Masura Bakugo. Shoto's mom is named Rei Todoroki former Midoirya. His dads name is Enji Todoroki"he explains

"So your dad is All might who played football in America for ten years winning ten Super Bowls. Then he became a famous movie star and actor. While your mother is the number one doctor in all of Europe and Asia. Bakugo's parents are the top designers in the world. While Todoroki's father is Endeavor who is the second most famous football player in America who was on all nights team for ten years. He also became a movie star and actor. Now he is number one business man in all of Asia. While Todoroki's mother is a world famous super model, miss universe, movie star, actress, now author and talk show host. You guys come from a long line of famous people how did I not know that"I asked confused

"You know I find it funny how you know who my parents are but you didn't know who I am even though I am as famous as they are for our generation just like how they are famous for their generation"He said highly amused

"I grew up watching them with my mom. While my stepdad is a famous director and he has worked with All might, Endeavor and Rei Todoroki"I said "who's your stepdad"he asked confused "crimson riot"I said "oh wow it must be cool to have him as your stepdad does that mean Neito and Testutestu are your stepbrothers"he asked

"Yeah they are and I guess our relationship is all right. It really hasn't been the best since my mom died a few years back"I said it hasn't been all right since the day that I met them but that was left unsaid.

"Oh okay. Sho doesn't have a good relationship with his dad either but it's fine. So what are somethings you like to do"He asked "really twenty one questions again. Didn't we play that when we first met"I asked

"Yeah and that was a few weeks ago things could've changed"he said making me smile "Hmm I like cooking, hanging out with my two best friends, working at my job, school, and hanging out with a green haired boy with a face full of freckles"I said who I may happen to have a crush on.

"See things did change in those few weeks"he said with a triumphant smirk "yeah I guess"I said after that we spent the next few hours talking and hanging out. We ended up staying the night at the cabin.

Denki had his mom say that I was staying over at his house for the night. And that Hitoshi was staying over at his house as well. His mom is amazing and super laid back. She is also a famous model who goes by the stage name midnight.

She is relatively young she had Emma when she was 15 years old. But she loves Emma a whole bunch and she adopted Denki when he was born. They love him a lot. But anyways I was great full that she covered for me so I wouldn't get in trouble.

I ended up sharing a bed with Izu-Kun after dinner. And I had the best sleep of my life which I hadn't had in years. As cheesy as it sounds I felt safe in Izu-Kun's arms and I which I could stay in them forever. But that's just a dream that will never come true.

End of chapter

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