Chapter three

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Kirishima point of veiw ~ "So Kiri what did you do this last week during lunch without us this last week during lunch"Kami asked while Shin was setting up the gaming station. We were currently hanging out.

The three of us are twitch streamers and are very popular but no one knows who we are. Not only that we also have three other team mates but we have no idea who they are seeing as we use usernames. And our cameras were off as well.

It was almost time for streaming. The three of us logged on. My username was RedRiot. Kami was Charge bolt. While shin was brainstorm. We also play with three other people called ground zero, Icyhot, and one for all. They are best friends I think. I could never tell between the three of them though. But we've become great friends online though.

The three of them logged on after we did "sorry we are late these two were fighting again"OFA said "it's fine we weren't waiting long"I said. I may or may not have a crush of OFA. Shin likes Ground Zero. While Kami likes Icyhot.

"So what's new with you losers"Zero asked "nothing much but we got a new student at school. And you won't believe who it is. It's fucking Deku and in two months"Kami said

"Dynamite and Shoto will be joining our school as well"Shin said "you go to U.A. right"OFA asked "yeah we do"I said answered "so what is it like having a famous celebrity at your school. I know that your school is filled with rich kids and celebrity adults as well but this is a real celebrity close to your age"Icyhot asked

"I mean the kids are much louder then usual always following him around and he quickly became popular. But he doesn't really like the attention and no one has been able to get close to talk to him. So we don't really know what he is like"Kami explains. If only you knew I thought to myself.

"So what game should we play"I asked "let's play among us"OFA said "okay"I said and started up the game and we started to play "so what school do you guys go to"Kami asked "I just transferred to a new school. Zero and Icy are in the middle of transferring to my new school as well"OFA answered.

"Oh really why"I asked "we finally convinced our parents that we can live alone together and they agreed. I was able to transfer before theses two because I lived closer to our new place. But zero and icy are in the middle of moving and transferring"OFA said

"Okay who's your favorite and least favorite celebrity"Kami asked "Favorite for all of us would be All might and least favorite for all of us is Endeavor"Icyhot answered "whose your favorite and least favorite"Zero asked

"My favorite is Presidential Michael and I don't really have a least favorite"Kami said "my favorite is Eraserhead and I don't have a least favorite"Shin said "I don't have a favorite but my least favorite is Crimson Riot"I said

"I will never understand why he became your least favorite he used to be your idol"Kami said "yeah"Shin said "just don't worry about it"I said with a slight smile at my best friends. Before anyone could say anything a phone rang.

"Sorry that's me. I'll be back"OFA said then two phones rang "sorry"Zero and Icyhot said and all three mics muted "weird"Shin said as we paused the game "so dude you never answered my question from earlier"Kami said not using my name because our mics were on.

"I was in our normal spot writing in my note book and finishing our project"I said "oh really it's done"They both asked "yeah when we are done with the steam I will show you"I said

"Let's take a look at the chat"shin said and we started reading and answering the questions "oh someone asked who were our celebrity crushes. RedRiot likes Deku. I like Shoto. While Brainstorm likes Dynamite"Kami answered

"Shut up dumbass"Shin said "what the fans wanted to know"Kami said with a shrug making us roll our eyes at him. Then the others mics came on "sorry about that let's get back to play"Icyhot said and we did. Days like this I am happy because I get to hangout with my two best friends and play video games all day. I wish it could be like this all the time.

End of chapter

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