Chapter 17

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Peter had woken up from the collapsation of the building. He groaned, feeling his head begin to pound. But he realized what had happened. He gasped, seeing nothing but darkness around him with only the moon lighting the ground. His body was stuck under heavy piles of concrete, causing him to panic. He grunted as he ripped off his mask and threw it aside, gasping. "Oh, God," he said weakly.

His pants were becoming heavier and quick, his body was not reacting well to the small space. His breaths turned into weeps, feeling trapped. "Okay, ready?" He said to himself before attempting to strain, using his strength but only fails. His eyes were red from crying from the terror this gave him. His blue and purple veins began to visibly pop out of his pale skin.

He gasped loudly as he failed, letting his head hand inches away from a mud puddle underneath him. "Hello!" he screamed, ripping his throat to go raw. "Hello!"

His whimpering became more intense. "Please! Hey. Hey, please. I'm down--- I'm down here. I'm-- D-- Dylan!" He remembered. "Dylan! Hello! Dylan, please," he cried. "Please answer me,"

Yet he got nothing, only silence. Peter's breathing had slowed down as his gaze landed on the reflection of himself in the mud puddle.

He stared down at his mask in the water, hearing Tony's voice echoing in his mind.

"If you're nothing without this suit, then you shouldn't have it"

With a shaky breath, he inhaled. "Come on, Peter. Come on, Spider-Man. Come on, Spider-Man. Come on, Spider-Man!" He repeatedly encouraged himself, confidently as he strained, using his super strength.

He positioned his hands above his head when he was sitting upward. Slowly, Peter began to rise from the pile of debris, lifting the concrete up. His arms were shaking as he clenched his jaw. Grunting as he was almost there.

He finally pushes upward and emerges out of the pile, causing the concrete to crash down and into the debris, making dust fly. He coughs, feeling his limbs about to collapse when he hears a groan.

He gasped. "Dylan?"

The slight sounds of light coughs made him run in the direction of it. "Dylan?" He called again, only to hear her gasping along with strong whimpers. His heart began to feel sore, feeling her in pain and not being able to find her.

"Peter?" She called out, making Peter's eyes widen.

"Dylan! Dylan, I'm here! Just tell me where you are," his voice was unsteady as he stumbled through the debris and up the pile of concrete.

His limbs were burning from the straining yet he didn't care. He couldn't stop and take a breather. He needed to find her. And her weeps kept him going.

He could hear her cries but he couldn't figure out the direction. "Dylan, it's gonna be okay. I'm gonna find you--" he paused at the sudden sounds of concrete falling.

His head turned to the right, seeing a black figure rising from the pile and in the light, he could see it was Venom.

He ran up to him as Venom's form retracted and soon left the body of Dylan laying at Peter's feet. He wasted no time, falling to the ground and beginning to shake her. He noticed her eyes were slightly open but her breathing was short.

Fresh blood trickled down the side of her head and Peter tried to wipe it away.

Tears ran down his cheeks as he positioned her closer to him. He couldn't bear to look at her legs, knowing they were both broken. He cupped her pale cheeks, as his tears dripped onto them. Peter didn't want to think about it, the possibility. He just wanted her to be okay.

He then watched as Venom's liquid-like form came up from and through her skin. His face shaped, showing his sharp teeth along with his white and dull eyes, he hovered over the girl.

Peter's lip trembled, feeling her heartbeat start to slow. He looked to Venom, "Please, do something," he pleaded.

And Venom only stared back. Peter let more tears fall, noticing the bruises already beginning to form around her neck from Adrian's grip.

He clenched his fist, seeing her eyes trying to fight back. He glanced at Venom again.

"Please, help her in any way you can," he pleaded with a wary voice.

"You were bad friend," Venom stated, making Peter regret more.

"I know, I know. And I'm sorry," he said and looked down at Dylan. "I'm so sorry, Dylan. I didn't mean it, I didn't mean any of it," he sniffled. "Please, I'm sorry," he mumbled, lowering his head, pressing it on her head.

And he felt her body jolt from underneath him. His eyes widened, pulling away in time to see the rest of Venom soaking into her pale skin.

He didn't move away, squeezing her hand, he observed as Venom regenerated Dylan's legs, healing them. The wound on her forehead slowly faded away and soon her eyes opened as she gasped for air.

Her heart began to beat fast and go steady as she clenched it with her hand sitting up. And when she started to fall back, Peter caught her in his arms, embracing her as his life depended on it.

Dylan, getting the feeling back in her limbs, adjusted herself and faced him, wrapping her arms around his neck. His damp hair dripped onto her dusty clothes. They both squeezed each other and held on. Peter was more than relieved that she was alive. He thought he had lost her.

He was the first to pull away, only to gaze into her teary eyes. He cupped her cheeks before pressing his forehead against hers. She didn't hold back and followed his lead, feeling his warm hands touch her cold skin, making her heart flutter to have him with her again.

She gripped his wrists as her voice came out as a whisper. "I'm sorry, Peter,"

He pulled away, still holding her face. "For what?"

She sniffled. "I didn't mean to react the way I did. I know you didn't mean it anyway, I just was motivated to take him down, you know?"

Peter chuckled, "It's okay,"

She sniffled harder. "I don't like it when we fight," she averted her eyes from him, looking down. "But I'm glad you came," she confessed.

Peter lifted her chin up to meet his gaze again. "So am I," he smiled.

And she did as well. "Oh, by the way, Adrian is Liz's dad," Peter blurted out, ruining the moment and sending Dylan to pull away.

"What?" She said in utter shock.

Peter then glanced upward and to the side, Dylan followed his gaze. Catching the sight of a vulture-like figure perched on top of the old billboard of the abandoned storage building. The two realized it was Adrian, waiting for his crew to call him.

Peter turned to Dylan. "He's gonna rob the Avengers moving plane,"

"What?" She looked back at the bird. "So what do we do?"

Adrian began to take off, folding out his wings and preparing to soar.

Peter grabbed Dylan's hand before saying," Follow my lead," 

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