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You saw him again last night. It was a short amount of time but it was nice. He seemed better. He had a glimmer in his eye at least after the initial anxiety. You understood his point of view, wondering if you were going to show or not. It was what you initially felt when he wasn't there the first night. It was hard for you to accept that he didn't want to meet you in person you wanted so much more you thought you deserved more but you didn't know how to tell him. How to tell him that you wanted more. He was working on himself. How could you interrupt that process and say 'Hey if you want to be with me we need to do this now. I can't wait for you I want you and not just in here I want the real you.'? How could you be so selfish? You had gone most of your adult life without a soulmate what was a little bit longer at least you had confirmation he was alive. You wanted to see him again. You didn't care that you had just seen him you wanted him more than anything.

You were slowly becoming more and more addicting. Slowly becoming the only reason he fell asleep at night. The only reason he even thought about sleep.

Sam had noticed his increased mood and had bugged him about nonstop. Saying something along the lines of 'Finally he had someone to flirt with besides his sister'. Bucky would just laugh off his comments because even though Sarah was attractive she wasn't his type and was flirting with her (with her consent) just to piss off her brother.

He met with you almost every night he could. Updating you on how his therapy was going. God, he wanted to meet you so bad but he didn't know how you take meeting him. By all means, he wasn't an ugly guy but he did have a vibranium arm and a very tragic backstory. He killed at least 100 people was in court-mandated therapy and 106 years old but you were his soulmate. Whether he believed it or not someone wanted him. He wasn't lonely anymore he had you. He had your beautiful smile to light up his darkest days. The way you fit perfectly in his arms as you two danced and swayed the night away. You were everything he could ever ask for.

Tonight was the night. Tonight he would ask you to meet him. He would ask you out on a proper date. Tonight he would sweep you off your feet and take you away to the land f the living. Tonight was that night he wanted this no matter what happened he wanted you to know that you meant the world to him. You were the reason he stopped having nightmares. He wanted you to feel loved and wanted you to know how much he loved you.


It was like any other time you met him. You showed up a little bit early to make up for last time hoping he would be there early too. He wasn't but you knew he had problems with tech sometimes so it was fine. He was so sweet it didn't matter if he showed up an hour late he would make up for it with witty banter and talk. You always had your song on repeat so you could spend the whole night together allowing for maximum bonding time. Although you craved a real relationship with him it was nice to have him there and have someone to talk to.

So as you felt the familiar feeling of falling you thought of how your ad his relationship would be on the outside. How cute it would be to walk the streets of New York hand in hand or stopping at little cafes to just sit and talk like many other couples had. You didn't even notice that the room had become clearer as you daydreamed. It wasn't until he cleared his throat that you realized that he was standing in front of you with a bouquet of flowers and a piece of paper that you were here.

"Look I know this isn't the most conventional way to ask someone out but I want to make this work. I want to make this real. Not that this isn't real but I want to be able to hold your hand walking down the sidewalk. I want to show you off to my friends and prove to everyone around us that we are together and most importantly, I want to show you how much I appreciate you and your patience with me. So will you do me the pleasure of meeting at Grand Central Park tomorrow at noon?"

"Yes! You have no idea how long I have wanted to meet you. So I know I'm not meeting some random guy I never got your name."

"James. Yours?"

"Y/n. Well, we got the rest of the night what do you want to do?"

"How about we-" and with that, he was gone. You figured it was just some tech issues and he'd be back soon. So you waited around for an hour or so but he didn't come back. With a heavy heart, you decided it was time to go back to the life you so dreaded but with a newfound hope tomorrow."


"What the hell Sam. I was with her-" Bucky roared

"Well, we have a problem. I get you want to see your girl I want to see mine too but we got a bigger problem on our hands him." Sam pointed out the window to John Walker stalking up to Sam's door.

"What is he doing here and why do I have to deal with him." Bucky groaned.

"Well maybe because he is the new US Agent and those guys are always bad news," Sam grunted back folding his arms over one another.

"Fine but after I'm going back to see her and this better not interfere with my date tomorrow or I swear to god I will have both your heads."

"Yeah yeah, mutter death threats later go talk to him."

"Why me you're the negotiator I'm just the bionic staring machine."

"Woah use don't my thing against me and besides he'll listen to you. You knew Steve longer."

"What the hell you just told me not to use your thing against you now you're doing it to me what the hell man."

"Just go" Sam pushed him out the door without a second thought.

Soulmate Au Bucky Barnes x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now