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The next morning you woke up to find James still in bed with you. You figured he'd already be up but apparently he wasn't a morning person either. Last night was amazing you had shown him where you grew up. He seemed so entranced by everything. Maybe it was the fact that you were talking a mile a minute or he was just happy to be there with you.

Honestly, he seemed like a great guy. He hadn't pushed you into anything last night which you know from your own shitty experiences can happen. Most of the men and women you dated tended to have an expectancy. That if you were laying down in their bed or even laying down in your bed that something was going to happen. But James didn't seem to be like that. You were grateful.

Yes, you were soulmates. Yes, you were "made for each other" but you wanted to take it slow until you couldn't handle slow anymore. You wanted to build a relationship first not just jump straight in. He may be your soulmate but you've heard of instances where soulmates moved too fast and ended up hating each other. You didn't want that. You want a best friend, someone you could depend on.

You felt the figure stir beside you pulling you out of your thoughts. "Mornin' doll. You sleep well?" His morning voice was beautiful. It was just the right amount of gravely to the deep tone. This man had you just swooning at his voice.

"Ya I slept great what about you handsome?" You said placing a hand on his shoulder as you snuggled closer to him.

"It was one of the best sleeps I've had in a while. So," he paused looking down and chewing on his bottom lip. "My arm."

"What do you mean your arm?" you pulled back to look at him.

"It's- well it's metal," he stuttered. Scared that you would reject him. Push him away maybe if you hadn't already connected the dots. See that he was a terrible person.

"So. Listen, James," the way you said his name made butterflies rupture in his stomach. "I can't change it. I know about your past but everyone is so much more than their past. If we lived in the past we wouldn't go anywhere. So as long as you don't judge me on my past I won't judge you on yours. We all have a story but each day we have a blank page. That story may be filled with unknown horrors but the fact that you are here and can share those horrors if you so choose is proof enough that you are a strong and capable man."

"But if you know my past you know I killed hundreds. You deserve better than that. You deserve someone better. Someone who is broken. Some who can gi-"

"Stop. If the universe put us together it must have a reason. It must have a reason and this is not me rationalizing this. I want to be with you. You were brainwashed those terrible acts the other guy did was not your fault. You are enough for me. You are more than enough for me. Last night you followed me around my childhood home where I talked a mile a minute and you were probably bored out of your mind but you sat and listened. I talk too much, I ramble but you sat and listened to me. Listen James I know your past from the media, but I want to know your past. I want to get to know the real you. Not the one the media portrays, not the one you probably put on when you go to your therapist, the real you," you rambled on.

His arms jut out to grab your face. Grabbing it he pulls you close you instinctively close your eyes then he hesitates you can feel his hot breath fanning over your face as he asks "Can I kiss you?"

You open your eyes. Stare into his beautiful blues for a second almost getting lost in them but manage to answer him. "I'd be disappointed if you didn't."

After hearing your response his face lightens you ca. See the glint in his eyes as he once again pulls you close and kisses you. Your eyes flutter shut. The kiss is soft. His lips are dry and cracked a bit but you don't mind. It's sweet and way too short for your liking. When he pulls away you allow him and yourself to have a breath before you pull him once again.

He chuckles into the kiss. He pulls away once again and you whine. "We gotta get up doll. 'M gonna make you the very best breakfast," he gets up and starts to pull a shirt on. You didn't even realize he was shirtless.

Pouting you quip "The best breakfast you could give me is if you stay in bed."

That seems to pique his interest as he dives right back into the covers and begins kissing you once again. Let's just say you and him had a full meal.


You must have fallen asleep again because by the time you looked over at the alarm clock it was 2 hours later.

Scrambling to get your things for work you manage to wake up James. He looks at you with such love in his eyes. "Mornin' doll."

It wasn't fair how good he looked or sounded. He looked as he had been plucked from the gardens of heaven. His voice was melodic. It was drawing you back in. "Morning sorry I have to get to work I've missed the past couple of days and it's not like my boss is unreasonable but she does need her assistant. I am really sorry to just run out on you but I will be back I promise. I'll leave my number on the counter," quickly crossing the room to give him a quick cheek kiss. You ran out of the room a little disheveled but looking fairly decent. You scribbled down your number on an empty piece of paper. By the time you actually left you looked down to your watch and it was 8:30 AM.


By the time you actually got to Stark Industries, it was 9:45 AM your shift started at 9:00 sharp. Immediately you went to Peppers office. You knocked on the door hoping that she wasn't in a meeting. "Come in."

"Pepper I'm so sorry for not being here for the past couple of days. I was abducted and then I was with my soulmate and I overslept. I'm so sorry," you ramble on.

"It's ok. Wait you were abducted? By who?" Pepper almost scolds. Her face softens as she takes in the last bit of your sentence. "So you spent the night at your soulmate's house. That must've been fun. What's their name?" She questions.

"Well, his name is James Barnes. Don go off on how he's the Winter Soldier. I know he is and it's fine that wasn't him. I know I just met him but I think I'm already falling in love. He's not like any other person I've been with. Not Killian, not Amanda, not Jade, and definitely not Dawson. He's just different but a good different you know?"

"I know I can see that he makes you happy. That smile hasn't left your face since you came in here."

You hadn't even realized you were smiling. This was something that you had experience before sure your other partners made you happy but this has been a long time coming, to find that ethereal happiness.

Soulmate Au Bucky Barnes x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now